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I Cry at the Possibilities
Citation:   SteveE. "I Cry at the Possibilities: An Experience with Oxycontin (exp109468)". Nov 17, 2016.

80 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  80 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
I had been on OxyContin for some years and did have some resistance. At the time of this issue I was on OxyContin 80mg for a short period (by my own decisions). I had been doing 40mg ER meds for some time from a 10 hour spinal surgery. I asked for 80mg and was permitted that level. (It was partially due to this experience that I was the one asking to be lowered to 40mg meds.)

I had taken one 80mg in the morning...I had taken off to the beach to watch some surfing. Before returning home I took a second 80mg, little recalling how recently I had taken the previous pill.
Before returning home I took a second 80mg, little recalling how recently I had taken the previous pill.
I made it home alive (obviously). Sitting with my wife and sister I passed into a region separate from those in the room and lost from any remembrance.

My wife, using her cell phone, recorded video of me. The sight of that to this day makes me cry from the pain of what I saw that day. It was a horror. I was a zombie of myself. And to this day, how I still get tears....(I am right now writing this). It was a horror that burns in my mind and keeps me so, so careful as I take much lower and less often any meds.

I think, on some level, I am lucky for the body I have for it just does not respond easily to meds...even to the extent that it fails to help me with a 'safe' sleeping pill like Benadryl. So I do have to be patient when looking for relief from this or that to 'sneak up' on a safe dosage until I find a level that works for me.
I hope this helps those on medications... careful as you maybe are looking for a 'high' because you are taking a chance. I went past my Danger Point obviously. And I was not looking for a high or any specific effect. When I feel pain at all I used to just take a pill. With those strong ones I was asking for trouble....and I got it!
Be Careful Please

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 109468
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 69
Published: Nov 17, 2016Views: 1,624
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Oxycodone (176) : Various (28), Overdose (29), General (1)

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