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The Beautiful Message of Life and Death
Citation:   FatStew. "The Beautiful Message of Life and Death: An Experience with DMT (exp109499)". May 24, 2021.

50 mg vaporized DMT
This is a collection of 2 of my most profound trips*

Ego Death: As I inhaled ~50mg from my dab rig I could immediately tell this was going to be an interesting journey based on how much quicker and more intense the ringing/immediate visuals were. Man, that was an understatement. As soon as my head hit my pillow I climbed aboard an old school rickety space rocket and blasted off into oblivion where I stopped by many sights along the way, but at the peak of the journey I found myself looking into a convex mirror looking up at myself. My reflection was in an outside scene on a sidewalk, yet I was in a white room. When I say white, I mean the purest of pure whites, there was absolute nothingness around me. As I kept looking at the mirror, I noticed it beginning to shake. As the shaking progressed this physical sensation started coming over me. I naturally began to get scared, but I kept telling myself to be brave and trust what the universe has in store for us.

At that very moment I watched the mirror shatter into a million pieces and at that moment I realized what had just happened. I died. I felt every atom inside my body get torn apart on the sub atomic level. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. But then I noticed something. That feeling I had wasn’t actually fear, but rather the most intense euphoria. So intense that I had actually been afraid of it. After I came to that realization the beauty in everything I had experienced in my life (even the horrible painful memories) up to that point had become so incredibly clear. The fact that it all became clear at the moment made me realize that I no longer feared death because I was happy with the simple life I have lived. This realization was accompanied with what I can only hypothesize to be my version of God, reaching down and gently pulling my soul out of the spirit realm and back into my body. This single experience was the most profound and life changing for the better experience in my life at that point. Death wasn’t something to be feared, but rather embraced as a reward for living a life you’re happy with.

Beauty in Life: This trip began with a semi failed attempt at oral DMT (taken with a MAOI), but what I originally deemed a failure was later deemed as a priming experience for what is to come. This time we inhaled ~100mg from a Vaporizer (2 bags worth). I inhaled the first bag like it was nothing. I remember the first breath of the second bag then it was blackness. I came back to (what felt like minutes later) and had one more breath left in the bag. Inhale. The sound of the bag crinkling might be the single greatest most eargasmic sound I have ever heard or ever will hear. It was accompanied with the most intense ringing which I now basically perceive as a calming agent for my psyche. Almost like the spirit chauffeur is ringing my doorbell.

I was immediately blasted into a beautiful, kaleidoscope-ish portal of sacred geometry. This was a short lived tunnel that landed me on a beautiful sunset and I immediately felt happy. I had proof it was sunset, but rather it was one of those things you just know. Same with the sense of euphoria I had. No idea why I was happy, but I just knew I was. This sunset slowly faded into darkness. The darkest of dark. Like I was floating all alone in a starless galaxy. One would think that sadness would ensue, but quite the opposite. That previous euphoria I mentioned that I never thought anything could ever top, was officially topped. Just the simple fact that I was granted the opportunity to see such a beautiful place was all that I needed to make me the happiest being the spirit realm. What followed in the conscious world was an unbelievable giddy, met by the child like curiosity of my dear friend who had also come out of a DMT trip along with another friend who had just met his version of God. It was at the moment, thinking back on that sunset that I realized everything is beautiful. The people I'm with everyday help make this world an amazing place.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109499
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 24, 2021Views: 643
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DMT (18) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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