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In a Rather Cold Operating Room
Fentanyl, Hydrocodone & Diphenhydramine
Citation:   Datcat. "In a Rather Cold Operating Room: An Experience with Fentanyl, Hydrocodone & Diphenhydramine (exp109520)". Dec 12, 2016.

T+ 0:00
10 mg   Hydrocodone
  T+ 3:00 200 ug IV Pharms - Fentanyl
  T+ 3:00 50 ug IV Diphenhydramine
Surgical Fentanyl

I was in the hospital for Pneumothorax also known as collapsed lung. I suspect it was caused mainly from insufflating cocaine and adderall in excess but the doctors were calling it spontaneous.

Either way standard treatment is to surgically place a tube into the afflicted lung to aid in breathing and re-inflate said lung. I was on the operating table where I was being dosed 200ug of fentanyl and 50mg of diphenhydramine. I believe the dose was split into two portions given 5 to 10 minutes apart.

It came on rather gradually in comparison to the the IV morphine shot I had experienced the day before in the ER. They also did not tell me when they began dosing me. Little by little I noticed I was feeling something other than the 10mg of hydrocodone I had been given about 3 hours earlier. It was like reality was slowly fading out and a dream was taking its place.
It was like reality was slowly fading out and a dream was taking its place.
I was in a rather cold operating room but felt warm. Slowly the voices of the doctors and nurses became echoes I couldn't focus on.

I started having visions of seemingly random events that occured in the hospital. I was told they were going to do an xray on me to check everything out. I mumbled an acknowledgement. The xray showed that somehow in the last 8 hours my pneumothorax has decreased substantially in size and they determined I no longer needed the surgically placed breathing tube. The doctor told me I was all good and to enjoy the free legal drugs. I wasnt able to respond due to shock and the drugs at work. I thought I was dreaming. After what seemed like a struggle to sit up and slide over to a transfer bed, I was brought back to my room. I tried to access my laptop to read experience reports to see how strong the dose they gave me was. I couldn't get past google's homepage. My focus was nonexistent as I was definitely on the heaviest nodding out Ive experienced.

Ive experimented extensively with a number of opiates (hydrocodone, tramadol, codeine, oxycodone, morphine) but none even came close to this. The vividness of the dreams I experienced were on par with amanita muscaria. That definitely inability to differentiate dreams from reality was at work. The most ridiculous part about it was its relatively short duration. Within a few hours I had awoken and felt relatively normal. It's some seriously heavy pharms and I wouldnt try to mainline it outside of a medical setting. It's potency makes it far too dangerous.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109520
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Dec 12, 2016Views: 2,595
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Pharms - Fentanyl (223) : Medical Use (47), Hospital (36)

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