Very Weird Yet Deeply Insightful
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   SimSim314. "Very Weird Yet Deeply Insightful: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp109528)". Mar 25, 2020.

60 mg   Salvia divinorum (extract)
I was sitting with my friends, opening a newly arrived Salvia divinorum extract with X40 potency.

I wasn't measuring exactly how much I'm taking, feeling 'confident' in my ability to 'handle it'. Oh my... this Salvia hit me hard, I totally lost track of where I'm and who am I. It took more than a day just to formulate to myself, the intense experience I had in some sort of words, and to make any sense of what happened.

My experience had three levels combined, so I will explain each level separately, but notice it all was part of single very intense and confusing experience.

1. Reality had split and time was looping. When I make any action I first imagine myself doing it, with salvia my thought of making some action, was part of some parallel reality, where I'm actually doing this action. So it felt like: I was doing some action in parallel universe, doing, doing, doing - then I come to my universe, doing this action in my universe, actually getting up making a circle around my room, sitting down, continue doing this action in other universes but now it was my memory not imagination.

After few times of such action, getting up, making a small walk around my room, sitting down - everything is done in several universes in parallel, including this reality as well, I felt I'm in a time loop. Everything is repeating, I'm coming back to the same place and time doing the same action. This was scary but I just wasn't capable to think or to do anything else, I was looping and this is the only thing I can do, I remember it was very intense.

2. All this time I wasn't myself, I was my father - sitting in his old Soviet apartment. I remember it as a child, but this memory somehow transferred into me, I became my father 30 years ago, walking in a hallway turning the lights off and on.
I became my father 30 years ago, walking in a hallway turning the lights off and on.
I felt that this action and this apartment and this action were my father's, and I was my father living in a Soviet Union of the time, I couldn't believe I live today as myself, and the people around me are my friends, I could barely recognize them and I couldn't realize I'm myself.

3. On top of all this, I had synesthesia. The feeling in my arms for a moment became the taste of a watermelon, I needed to focus to see them as my arms and not as a taste, and this happened several times. My pants were yellowish, and they became the mixed taste of melon and a carrot. Every action was accompanied with some taste of a fruit. I wasn't tasting the taste in my mouth, it's like the reality became the experience of eating different fruits, each time it was somewhat different fruit, or combination of several fruits.

For me this experience was strange first of all. But also it taught me about how I make an action, I could meditate and see the separate levels of making any action, this is very insightful - to sense my intention, the action and the memory of the action. It also showed me how much I like the taste of fruits, and how I can meditate on this feeling, and it can become some ingredient of my existence. The fruit part is the weirdest so it's hard to explain, but it definitely opened a perceptual gate into reality for me.

Finally I realized how much the memory of my parents, and my parents themselves are part of me, how can I find them inside myself, and how much their genetics are part of my genetics. I could see the direct connection between parts of me and parts I see in my father, and realize it's the same entity that passes through us both.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109528
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Mar 25, 2020Views: 796
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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