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The Shout And Thank You Routine
Citation:   White_Panther. "The Shout And Thank You Routine: An Experience with LSD (exp109574)". Jan 16, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 hit   LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 1 hit   LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
It was close to the end of my second semester of college. I (M) had recently acquired 10 hits of LSD and my friends S and A were driving up to trip with me and my other friend J who had little drug experience at all and certainly never tripped before. The guy who I got the LSD from said that the tabs were advertised as 150ug on a dark web market but who knows what the real dosage was.

My friends arrive at around noon and we immediately drop this acid. We all head about a quarter mile away into my university's biological sanctuary because we figured that would be the best place to trip. I've only been back there a few times but once you get deep enough there are tons of obstacles for a university class taught back there.

So we are walking around when we get to a clearing in the middle of the forest and there are really tall wooden poles sticking out of the ground with cables anchoring them to the ground. On the end, the cables have little plastic sheaths. Everyone took turns grabbing them and throwing them as far as the could up the cable to see who could get theirs the farthest. Once we got bored from this we kept walking until we found two wooden poles with wooden slats between them suspended by rope. Not unlike a ladder. The first rung was about 8 or 9 feet off the ground and I wanted to try to climb it. I jumped on the first rung and was hanging when my friend pushes me causing me to fall on the ground. In the process I kneed myself in the nose (this is important later). My nose starts to bleed and hurts pretty bad, but I didn't want it to ruin my trip so I didn't dwell on it.

It was around this time that everyone began to feel the beginning of what would be an insane acid trip...except me. Everyone was saying how colors were becoming more vibrant and everyone started to giggle. Fuck. A was talking about all the fractals he was seeing and thought that he might want to take another hit. I obliged because it gave me a reason to go back and take another one too. I didn't want to be the only one not having an LSD trip. So I run back to my dorm which took about 5 minutes or so and eat another tab and pocket the other. I give it to A and he began telling me he started tripping super hard and was not sure if he should take the second tab. I reassured him that it wouldn't be bad as we had both tripped multiple times in the past. After he eats his tab we rejoin the others in the woods.

I notice that J is being really quiet which was a huge departure from the joy and awe he was feeling just before I went to grab another dose for me and A. I ask him what's wrong and immediately he goes “shhhhh! Dude the cops might hear us.” I laughed it off and told him not to worry about it we as we were pretty far from anyone in the woods that we were in. Especially far from any cops. However, over the next 5-10 minutes his paranoia and anxiousness started skyrocketing to the point that he announced he wanted to go back to his dorm and be alone. So I decided I could walk J back and meet up with my friends after.

Once I returned we sat down near a sign post and S pulled out a sandwich to eat. We were all just chilling when I got a strange feeling in my stomach. Almost like a vague sense of dread and it was at that moment that I realized that I was in way too deep and that I should have just waited instead of taking the second tab.
it was at that moment that I realized that I was in way too deep and that I should have just waited instead of taking the second tab.
I try to play it off as my nerves just getting to me and after S finishes his sandwich we are off again.

We arrive at a small cliff (cliff really isn't the right word because it was only like 20-25 feet tall but it was a steep drop off) and we decide to sit next to it and chill for a little. At this time I'm starting to come up super fast. I keep getting this feeling that I was supposed to be doing something but I couldn't remember what it was. I look over at S and he is so relaxed and taking in all the sights nature had to offer which helped me ground myself and calm down a little. Then I would look at my friend A who was beginning to lose his goddamned mind. He stood up and went, “how am I even alive right now???” for some reason I found this hilarious and responded “I'm not sure but you've been doing it for 19 years so you're doing something right.” A got up and started pacing around and said he was full of energy and just wanted to run. S and I told him that it probably was not a good idea and to try and relax a little.

I look back at S and he hands me a cigarette and I begin to smoke it but constantly forget that I am smoking it and end up just throwing it out. I look back at A and he has since taken his shirt off and is clenching his throat saying “how am I breathing?” Then I would start thinking “oh shit, how am I breathing? How am I alive?” an overwhelming feeling that I am supposed to be doing something would take me over again and I would begin to freak out a little. A would run off for a second and then I would glance back over at S who was still cool as a cucumber and then I would calm down again. This process repeated probably 10 or more times and when I started to feel panicky I remembered how badly my nose hurt and I would grab it. The pain from my nose helped keep me grounded and calm down which might seem odd. A finally goes, “guys should I jump off this edge?” and we are like “no dude that is an awful idea” and decide that we should probably walk somewhere else.

We start walking to nowhere in particular when A says “I just want to shout” and then proceeds to shout the word “SHOUT!” over and over. S and I find this hilarious but try to get him to stop because we did not want people to come see us in this state. At this point we are pretty deep in the woods and we decide that we are all done coming up so why not smoke some weed. Now I don't know if any of you guys have smoked weed while on acid but it goes from mild visual distortions and bright colors to full on things start to melt. Everything I looked at seemed to have an aura coming off of it, almost like a flame. It was hard to focus on anything in particular because everything became wavy. After a few minutes A loses his mind. He stands up takes off his shirt and starts screaming “Thank you!” S and I were like “for what?” Then A starts shouting “Shout!” again and runs away.

S and I decide that we should probably figure out how to get out the woods. We tell A to follow us because we need to figure out where we are. We take about 5 steps and then A forgets what we are doing and does the whole SHOUT and THANK YOU routine again and again. Eventually we get far enough that we reach a wall. Just a wall in the middle of the woods and for some reason S and I find this to be the funniest thing ever and we fall into a laughing fit. The top of the wall had a platform/ledge. A noticed this and grabs my arm and starts pulling it towards the direction of the ledge. I say to him, “what are you doing?” and he just points to the ledge and says “up there.”

We are on our way again when we come across a sign. A is still forgetting where we are going every couple steps so we didn't make much progress. While A is off in his own fantasy land S and I try to decipher the map which was way more difficult than we had originally thought. We walk around a bend and sit down to smoke more weed. A is still on the other side of the bend but we can hear him talking to himself, he is no more than 40 feet away. We take a couple hits then we hear A sound super serious and explaining what he is doing. S and I look at each other realizing A has encountered other people and start walking away briskly to avoid being heard. A comes around the bend and we realize that he was still just talking to himself. We are both relieved and find it kinda hilarious.

S and I continue to try and get A to come with us so we can get out of the woods but he is still too far gone to comprehend what we are trying to do. We decide to leave him where he is because we are really close to the exit. S and I leave the woods and are sitting at a gazebo in a park that is right outside the exit so we can wait for A and relax a little bit. After about 10 minutes we see someone run out of the woods (not the trail exit mind you) and fall down a hill. They stand up and go “S! M! Is that you guys?” A had finally sobered up a little bit (or so we had thought) and found his way out of the woods. He runs up to us and sits in the gazebo. A little ways away there are two people sitting on a swing set swinging. A looks at his phone, then looks at us and says “does this even make noise?” S and I look at him with confusion and then A throws his phone which lands near the people swinging. S says “dude go get your phone, you're going to regret it later if you don't.” A walks up to get his phone then looks at the people on the swing set and says “Hey, did you guys say something?” They had not and it was then that S and I realized that A was still pretty far gone. I go “A come back they aren't talking to you.” The people swinging must of thought that we were all insane.

Headed back to my dorm we are walking up a hill and realize A doesn't have his car keys. We ask him where they are and he takes out his wallet and opens it and money starts falling out. S says “dude how are you going to get home?” to which A shrugs off as if unimportant. We finally get inside when A begins to come to and realizes that he left his keys in the woods. J joins us in my room because he is beginning to feel better too. They all go out to find A's keys and are trips are effectively over. However, A tells me what happened to him after S and I left the woods, and J tells me his trip after he went back to his dorm.

A's Story
While S and I were waiting for A to come out of the woods, he realizes that we are not in there with him any more. He began to wonder around and soon he finds himself in a cemetery. I cant even imagine what that must have been like for him in the state that he was in. A said that he felt he was in a primal state and all that mattered to him was survival. He went up to one of the graves and saw flowers on it, he picked them up and simply thought “eat” since that was something people must do to survive. He proceeded to eat the flowers right off the grave and then wondered around until he tripped and fell down a hill. This is when he found S and I.

J's Trip
The night prior to taking LSD, J had gotten very drunk and blacked out. While I was gone getting the second tabs for A and myself, J is having a wonderful time. He questions, “why can't I feel like this all the time?” to which A replies “because it is illegal.” Saying this triggered something in J and he began to feel as if he was in a coma because he drank too much alcohol the night before. He thought that we were figments of his imagination and that the police were trying to wake him up to bring him out of his coma. J went into our friends dorm and laid on the floor saying, “either nothing is real or I am dying right now.” After a couple of hours he realized that it was just the acid and was able to enjoy the rest of his trip.

That was the last time I have taken acid which was about a year ago. It really put me off wanting to do it again because of the shit show that it turned out to be. While I didn't necessarily have a bad trip, there were moments when it was almost too intense for me to handle. I plan on doing more again soon but it is not a drug I take lightly.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 109574
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 16, 2018Views: 883
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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