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A Pretty Good Replacement for Blow
Citation:   nosekandy. "A Pretty Good Replacement for Blow: An Experience with N-Ethylhexedrone (exp109598)". Nov 27, 2016.

  insufflated N-Ethylhexedrone (powder / crystals)
Background: I used to looove coke. But after years of heavy use I finally decided that the comedown wasn't worth the high. There were other things I didn't like about it, the enormous expense, and the global narco-cartels that made it, the environmental impact of it's production, the bolivian drop (impotency)....

I started doing research on RC's and came across hexen-(n-ethyl-hexedrone). I imported about 2 grams from the EU and have since tried it twice. I only dropped about $20 for it, so the price happened to be right.

I keep doses very small. With allergy test, started with 10mgs or less, this shit is way more potent than the purest snow.

I find the initial rush to be very similar to cocaine: just a feeling of absolute cool. There's something explicitly sexual about the high. Tactility is enhanced. Still totally impotent though. But great pleasure in looking at images of women.

Granted the comedown isn't nearly as shitty, but there is still that innate dread that slowly creeps back. Definitely results in a need to chronically redose.

The stimulant tail of the drug is also unpleasant. There is a certain jittery, jumpiness that comes along with the high too.

Redosing is slightly more than fun redosing on cocaine, I think.

I definitely noticed a tightness in my chest though, which makes me not want to continue using it.

[Reported Dose: 'several 80-40mg']

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109598
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Nov 27, 2016Views: 15,395
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