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With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Really Horrible Mix
Citation:   dapurl. "With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Really Horrible Mix: An Experience with LSD (exp109612)". Dec 10, 2016.

50 ug   LSD (blotter / tab)
CFS and LSD a Really Horrible Mix

2011 was a very tumultuous year for me. My father passed away unexpectedly and I suffered from horrible typhoid and malaria thereafter. I recovered but not completely, it's like my immune system was stuck in attack mode even after I recovered. What followed was endless doctor visits and tests which were always normal. So western medicine did what it does. Told me it was depression/CFS. There was a component of that but I knew there was more to it. Its like my cells had run out of something very critical. I was a profuse sweater and now I couldn’t sweat even in high heat.

I took antidepressants. 12 of them... none worked. Then naturopathy, Then vitamins. They helped a bit. But by 2014 I had knocked on almost every door and knew it was time for somewhat drastic.

In all this time I was researching on pubmed and theorized that a shock to the nervous system was what was needed. Plus I had read that LSD helped people recover from depression too. So I thought it to be a good chemical target. I obtained some 400 mcg tabs. And being a cautious person that I was decided to try only 50 mcg.

It was evening. First effects were a feeling of individual cells in my body waking up. Now those who haven’t suffered from CFS [Chronic Fatigue Syndrome] probably can’t relate to this but it was as clear as daylight for me. No visuals or hallucinations… but just clarity.

However in a short amount of time my cells ran out of whatever they were lacking and all I could feel was a metabolic accelerator being pressed by the LSD while I had no gas in the system. My heart rate started to go up and then I first felt guilt. Intense awful guilt. Then came the fear, then the panic attack. I have has panic attacks before but this fear was something else. It was raw fear. Then came the ambulance and then there was ER. After a whole night on ativan and under observation, I was released in morning. CFS still intact and a bit worse which got to baseline in the next few days by some methylfolate and b12 and vit D.

My set and setting was understandably not ideal. But it wasn’t awful either. I can classify this as a typical bad trip. But beneath the surface. I can say for sure that it definitely doesn’t play with the underlying mechanism for CFS in a positive way. Even if my emotions were positive, my nervous system would not have been able to produce the necessary juice to let LSD do what I needed to do. And hence the problem.

It's not going to fix it.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 109612
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Dec 10, 2016Views: 2,274
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LSD (2) : Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Bad Trips (6), Unknown Context (20)

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