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Increased Energy and Motivation
Rhodiola rosea, Lisdexamfetamine & Fluoxetine
Citation:   Carolyn. "Increased Energy and Motivation: An Experience with Rhodiola rosea, Lisdexamfetamine & Fluoxetine (exp109622)". Nov 30, 2016.

60 mg oral Lisdexamfetamine (daily)
  60 mg oral Pharms - Fluoxetine (daily)
  500 mg oral Rhodiola rosea  
I take Vyvanse 60 mg daily in the morning to aid with treatment-resistant depression. I still experience a great deal of fatigue and decided to try rhodiola rosea at 500 mg taken in the morning with my Vyvanse and Prozac 60 mg.

I have tried this combination twice now, on back to back days, and have noted increased energy and motivation. I have not had any side effects at this time. I have not noted any signs of serotonin syndrome, which I have experienced in the past and am familiar with.

It may not be a safe combination for everyone, but it seems to be safe for me so far. I do seem to have a high tolerance for serotonergic medications, so that may be a factor. Be careful, but this does not seem to be an absolute drug interaction issue.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109622
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Nov 30, 2016Views: 4,023
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Rhodiola rosea (352) : First Times (2), Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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