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A Day in the Botanical Gardens
by Lisa
Citation:   Lisa. "A Day in the Botanical Gardens: An Experience with LSD (exp109669)". Mar 31, 2017.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
A Day in the Botanical Gardens With Lucy

I and three of my friends (we’ll refer to them as J, H & S throughout the story) decided to spend a long summer day in the Botanical Gardens on LSD. At around 11am we had settled down in a beautiful spot in the gardens. H had just bought an Ehrlich’s reagent testing kit. I had met the dealer over Tinder and hence we did not trust him completely and were nervous about being given 25I-NBOMe or another type research chemical we were not familiar with. The kit indicated LSD. I & H took a full tab (sold as 150ug/tab); S & J took half a tab each as it was their first time.

I was the first to come up. As I was coming up on the acid, a large group of 100 primary school children came walking through the gardens on some kind of school excursion. I had fond memories of school excursions to the gardens as a child and found this to be quite a loopy thought – evidently; Lucy’s effects were starting to kick in. I watched the children roll down the hill with so much energy and light-heartedness. I felt children did not need acid, but I needed acid to get back to mind of a child even for just a few hours.

At that point J who is artistic and had brought a bunch of paint and a canvas with her decided to attempt to paint something. 10 minutes later, I was tripping hard but still had my shit together enough to put the paint away as J completely lost it, pissing herself with laughter and getting the paint everywhere.

At this point I went for a walk. I walked further and further until I stumbled across the Greenhouse I had visited several months ago on a prior trip. An old man of about 60 warned me about the heat and humidity inside, but I was determined to be reunited with the plants once again. When inside, I felt the plants were whispering to me and found incredible peace surrounded by so much life.
I felt the plants were whispering to me and found incredible peace surrounded by so much life.
I left the Greenhouse only to realise I was completely and utterly lost. After what felt like 30 minutes and after some slight worrying I found the ‘home base’ and my friend H therapeutically crying.

The next few hours were filled with laughter and joy while watching tourists make ridiculous poses in amongst the trees. I pondered whether the tourists were also on Lucy, or if they were behaving so ridiculously on purpose as to entertain me or if perhaps this was simply their normal behaviour. I then was asked to take a photo for a couple of tourists. The fact that I spoke English and the tourists spoke Chinese make the interaction difficult enough, but the added dimension that I was tripping balls and struggling to hold my shit together made the interaction all the more outrageous. I put a lot of energy into photographing the couple and felt tremendous joy being able to provide this service. Meanwhile J had gone on a walk and had also taken photos of some tourists including a selfie with an old nanny.

We then moved the home base to a more scenic and open spot. I lay down on the grass and listened to Clair de Lune (Claude Debussy) and experienced kaleidoscope vision whilst looking up at the sky. After another four to five hours we left the gardens, leaving behind nothing but the abstract painting J had done earlier in the day for fellow garden users to ponder.

Despite taking the LSD at 11.30am in the morning, I could feel a funny feeling in my chest and had racing thoughts until I finally fell asleep at 5am in the morning. I believe this was not caused by the LSD per se, but rather by some slight anxiety that I was never going to feel sober again and would be permanently in a psychotic state.

The following day, I had a rough and unexpected ‘come-down’ as a result of the acid trip, much like the low feelings one might have after consuming MDMA. I believe this was psychological rather than physical. I believe in some ways, during the trip, I felt more normal, at peace and happy than I had in a long time. This trip has given me some insight into a state of being I would like to aspire to feel while sober. Finally, whilst this trip was overwhelmingly positive and happy, I realised how fragile the day was and how easily the trip could have gone south. I am humbled by the extraordinary power of LSD.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109669
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 31, 2017Views: 2,067
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LSD (2) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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