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Subtle Long-Lasting Benzo
Citation:   BenzoTry. "Subtle Long-Lasting Benzo: An Experience with Diclazepam (exp109740)". Jan 9, 2017.

2 mg   Diclazepam
I have had the experience of wanting a particular substance for an event or experience - MDMA for Bonnaroo, maybe, or a joint after a long hike - only to find that somebody forgot to pack a lighter, didn't bring the shrooms, or whatever - and the drugs never made it to their intended destination.

Benzos - more so than any other type of drug, it seems to me - are prone to this 'whoops yeah sorry we were going to bring the klon but totally forget to get the refill on our way out...' And benzos, despite their many faults, are not only recreational substances on their own but famously useful in combination with other substances, as comedown-aids for stims and psychedelics in particular.

So when I am coming down from adderall, or can't sleep after a couple hits of acid, it can be pretty devastating to suddenly realize I have no benzos.

And here is where Diclazepam comes in!

Here's what Diclazepam is not:
- Particularly hard-hitting
- Especially euphoria-inducing
- Ultra fast-acting

But here's what Diclaz is:
- Very long-acting
- Fairly subtle in terms of effects
- Effective at inducing all the typical benzo effects

- Cheap!
- Legal!

It takes me about 45 min to start feeling the effects of Diclaz. These initial effects are very light. Full effects can be felt after about 2 hours. This is an unusually long come up, but that's just how Diclaz is. On the other hand, mild after-effects can be felt for days.

Overall a smooth, long-acting, and very utilitarian addition to the legal benzo collection.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109740
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jan 9, 2017Views: 7,791
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Diclazepam (670) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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