Nauseous Hell Trip and Seizure
by Eazy
Citation:   Eazy. "Nauseous Hell Trip and Seizure: An Experience with DON (exp109798)". Jan 9, 2017.

1.5 hits sublingual DON (blotter / tab)
DON DOx Compound Near Death Experience

I received a compound called DON through the deep web two years ago. I had received 2 tabs of it ['about 6mg'].

I can't recall the time period but this was in the time period of 1-2 hours I placed the tab on my tongue and it was the nastiest substance I've put on my tongue for so long. After that I started to feel hot and unsettled so I walk to the store to go get a drink. By the time I got back I became so nauseous I fell to the ground to obtain some kind of relief.

About 10 minutes later I walked home and entered my room where I lay in this nauseous hell trip
I lay in this nauseous hell trip
. About 5 minutes later I threw up violently 5 times. By then I was nauseous and scared enough to just want to sleep the trip off though and eventually I did.

Four days later I wake up in the hospital where I was told I had a seizure and stopped breathing.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 109798
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Jan 9, 2017Views: 1,832
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DON (375) : Unknown Context (20), Overdose (29), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5)

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