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Casual Trip
Citation:   Mr._Mush. "Casual Trip: An Experience with DMT (exp109799)". Jun 5, 2018.

  vaporized DMT (powder / crystals)
Every once in a blue moon the phrase DMT would come around in passing either with my friends or the internet. My curiosity was at a peak when I started to look into this 'holy' like substance of DMT. Of course, I turned to Terrance McKenna for some walk through and explanations. After a week or so of solid research I felt willing to go fully int my DMT experience.

After about a year of looking for some DMT to get my hands on I had finally found it. I had called a buddy and asked him and he had given me the classic 'I'll ask around.' About 2 minutes later he called me back and told me to hurry. We had just secured a 1000mg jackpot and my name was written on it. We picked up the DMT and raced back to my apartment where we set out our Genie Vaporizer that we bought earlier that day and the DMT. I looked at him and asked if he was ready, his response, 'you first.'

[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
We didn't have a scale so an blind eye dosage would have to do. I had loaded around 100mg in the first bowl and had a second bowl with 100mg. I didn't know what to do because I was rather nervous for the experience to come but after a few quick breaths the lighter went up to the bowl and smoke was flowing. It was instant, like good weed I felt it right in the back of my head. Warm feeling in the back of my head, world was spinning almost like it was static running up and down whilst swirling, light geometrical music hexagons. Second toke, thing start to speed up and intensity it flicked to 11. Third toke, we had switched the bowls to produce a grand finale before we visited hyperspace.

I was falling, falling at such a speed it was terribly uncomfortable. I could see and feel the music my friend was playing. Floating through a chasm of colour and shapes so indescribable 5 years later it's still got me in awe. Then 'boom' we were there. The place I didn't recognize but it felt like I was in a place I went all the time. I didn't have any comprehension of where I was, who I was, or even what I was. I had looked around and was startled by the fact I still had my body with me. That's when I heard some music, it wasn't too long after I heard it that shapes and beams of light were flying through this room. Out of nowhere I hear this voice. The voice was so happy and content it made me happy. These elves were singing and dancing all around me and saying 'You're here, you're here, oh we've waited so long, you're here you're here.' It was like they planned it, everyone was there dancing around me, jumping in and out of me(which I found very startling). I had begun by asking where am I, to which I got no reply. I had rememberedMcKenna talking about these elves and what they have to offer and after this thought and elf took me to a whole new area. It was like earth but everything there was so different. I had asked 'Why am I here?' And the elf showed me the pipe and said 'You came here, you know why you're where.'

(This is the part where I fuck my punctuation and grammar because it's fucking with my story telling skills)

The elf then brought me into another room. It was filled with absolutely mind boggling things. He began to almost teach me things. He'd start to talking about anything, then he'd show me a time in my life when I was taught it and every time it was 'Right, I knew that' I asked all sorts of questions we on earth don't even have the rights to understand yet and he explained them with such simplicity that it'd turn all humans to shame. That was it, I was omniscient. The elf returned again but this time he didn't take me I followed him. As if he was just leading the way, we came to what seemed like a galaxy but I could see the same galaxy in a rows and columns in perfect equilibrium. I was left to my own, I was wandering through these galaxies. Exploring each on as they formed and glanced as they would explode. I was absolutely fascinated by each on thinking every time 'if I see anymore, surely, I'll die of amazement.' The galaxies were endless. After about a million different galaxies I began to feel this thirst if you will. I was sure what it was but my body was just craving something, it felt totally empty as if a women had just dumped me for another man. All of a sudden, I felt this presence, it was a presence of such power, and divinity I felt down and put my head between my knees. I couldn't handle whatever this entity was. 'Look, just look' was all it spoke. I had peak up and was immediately engulfed in her face. Looking into here eyes was more than the previous millions of galaxies I had explored. It was like being killed by the emotion of love. I felt like I had a thousand orgasms. The next thing I remember was this loud deep gong like sound. It rang quiet at first but then shattered my brain. I woke up and my shirt was basically drenched in drool and I was sweating profusely. What I had imagined in my mind to be about a 7-9 hour trip only turned out to be about 13 minutes. Life changed after that day.

The End

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 109799
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 5, 2018Views: 907
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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