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Horniest Drug Ever
Citation:   cdiilwad. "Horniest Drug Ever: An Experience with MET (exp109817)". Jan 18, 2017.

35 mg insufflated MET (powder / crystals)
This was my second or third experience with MET. Probably done it about half a dozen times, always vaporized. This one was different though.

I took 75mg and made two lines. Being larger than I had expected, I only did half, planning on finishing it if desired later. It was enough. Within about a minute I experienced a strong, throbbing burn which continued to wax for some 10 minutes before disappearing. A slight taste at the back of my mouth was easily ignored.

While the visual effects were minimal, the most defined aspect of this experience was the sexual stimulation. Not even meth can compare. Within about 20 minutes my penis had grown erect and my thoughts were single-mindedly focused on sexual fetishes. I jerked off, having only slightly more difficulty ejaculating than sober and much less than on coke, M, etc.

However, the sexual thoughts in my head did not disappear, nor did my erection. Within five minutes I was back at it again. Once again I masturbated with little difficulty, completing in about ten minutes.

This time maybe ten minutes went by and my penis went soft, but my thoughts were unavoidably sexual. I jerked off again. Almost nothing came out the third time, as is probably to be expected. Never in my life have I even felt the desire to go a second round, much less a third. I usually feel completely spent after the first, but this time I felt like I had unlimited sexual energy.

Smoking/vaporizing also confers some sexuality-enhancing properties, but nowhere near as potent as snorting it. Indeed, I've been afraid to experiment further with this ROA after what happened with this experience.

I won't bother to list the substances by which I have been intoxicated in the past; such is meaningless to the present experience and would take far, far too much space. I've done nearly everything with a couple noteworthy exceptions (GHB and PCP).

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109817
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 18, 2017Views: 6,532
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MET (381) : Alone (16), Sex Discussion (14), General (1)

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