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Purple Haze In Nepal
by Jive
Citation:   Jive. "Purple Haze In Nepal: An Experience with LSD (exp109869)". Apr 29, 2020.

T+ 0:00
0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:30 0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis - Hash  
I decided to go to Nepal when I turned 21, and ended up alone in a busy hostel in Kathmandu. Despite being a very popular and well-staffed hostel, there was a feeling of relaxation and ease. The rooftop area, where people would relax and wind down after a trek, always smelt of “hashish”. I was no stranger to a bit of Hash, but on my first day in Kathmandu made friends with two people and decided to smoke some. There was no “your hash and my hash”, everyone shared. There was Antoine, the tall, lanky Frenchman and Maura, the shrill Dutch girl. Eventually they started talking about how they had scored some LSD from their dealer. I had never tried it before, but they said if they couldn’t find four people to do it, they weren’t going to, so I decided to dive headfirst into my first day in Nepal.

Around 7:30, the three of us and a local Nepalese guy put a half tab each on our tongues (we had decided to do half and half as it was the first time for Maura and I). We went and grabbed our blankets from our rooms, and setup chairs on the rooftop of the hostel. It was the light festival time in Nepal, so all surrounding buildings were covered from top to bottom in beautiful blinking lights, and this seemed a perfect spot to begin the trip.

About half an hour of letting the paper sit on my tongue, it started to fold and tear, so I swallowed it and hoped for the best. I had never tried any real hallucinogenic before, so I was absolutely terrified of what to expect. The first thing I began to notice was my tongue and face beginning to go numb. I was beginning to freak-out before the trip had already started, but Antoine was taking me through the whole thing like a father figure, assuring me that everything I was feeling was normal
Antoine was taking me through the whole thing like a father figure, assuring me that everything I was feeling was normal
, and I just needed to lay back and relax. For some reason this was really assuring and I just fell back in my chair and waited.

I started noticing things one by one, not all at once. There were big letters on the wall, well lit that said ‘Dahl baat power’ and they started to contort and manipulate. The lighting was the biggest change, all the lights seemed to fade in and out and contort but there was nothing out of the ordinary. I wasn’t seeing anything that wasn’t there, more just manipulations of my environment. Everything anyone said became funny and music would move through me. I remember listening to Arctic Monkeys, and feeling each bass drum beat, every note pulse through my body. It felt absolutely incredible, but it was very mild.

After an hour and a half, we all decided to take our second half (except Maura), and a good hour beyond that we had ascended beyond the planes of laughter. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing hysterically and manically until I was out of breath. As soon as I would regain my breath, I would begin laughing at how hard I was laughing before. We all began making jokes, trying to see if we could make each other laugh. At this point Maura had started coming down from the first half and was complaining that she barely felt anything, so we made her take the second half and waited, all this time enjoying the ambience of Arctic Monkeys, Tame Impala and the candles on the table in front of us. There were maybe 15 other people on the rooftop, so it wasn’t a quiet experience and we eventually moved outside onto the lower rooftop area, and I began to notice some of the less than pleasant symptoms of LSD. Mostly the sickly acidic taste in my mouth, which no amount of fizzy drink could rid me of. Secondly how absolutely freezing I was, and my blanket or the 22 degree heat couldn’t fix. I was still enjoying the highest point of the trip however.

Eventually Maura started feeling the full effects of LSD, and like a group of deranged junkies standing under and underpass, we all began staring at the ground. For clarification, I checked the ground the next day, and it was just plain grey with some darker grey blotches, but I swear what I saw on the night was armies of purple and brown dots going to war, with blood spilling everywhere (turned out the blood was a red flower petal). It was an absolutely amazing experience, the whole time I was telling myself that this was an extension of my imagination, creating the epic battle I was seeing in front of me.

Eventually the tripping stopped, and we entered the purgatory of 7 hours remaining where we could not sleep, but the best part was over. For this reason, LSD truly can be a fickle bitch. It would be nice to do just the trip and be done with the whole experience, but I then needed to undergo boredom and clarity. We smoked a few spiffs throughout the night to keep us happy for the slow comedown. Sitting on this small rooftop, we began to get quite personal, delving into personal issues that each of us had had. It got deep, and by the time we were truly over it, we were all very tired and ready for bed. There were constant stomach cramps between hours 5 – 10 which made the comedown experience quite unpleasant for me.

Overall I was very glad I tried it, and ended up doing it two more times in Nepal, each additional time with less success (nausea mostly).

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 109869
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 29, 2020Views: 711
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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