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No Nausea, but No Effects
Morning Glory
Citation:   Daltont. "No Nausea, but No Effects: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp109998)". Erowid.org. Mar 4, 2018. erowid.org/exp/109998

750 seeds oral Morning Glory (extract)
  185 seeds oral Morning Glory  
I bought untreated, fresh Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds from a well-reviewed source. I first tried a cold water extraction method (found on a few forums) with about 750 fully-ground-up seeds soaking in distilled water with lemon juice (30 mins). I strained, drank, and waited for a trip that never happened.

The next day, I decided to eat some seeds. I counted out 185 seeds, chewed them very thoroughly, and swallowed. Hours passed, with no noticeable effects...any possible effects were well-within placebo range. I functioned completely normally, no nausea, but no effects. Disappointing.

While chewing and swallowing 185 seeds wasn't too difficult, as the taste wasn't bad, I'm not sure I want to try chewing a few hundred seeds. That'd be quite a mass of seed material, likely to at least make me sick, and seeing as I didn't feel any borderline effects from nearly 200 seeds, I just don't have the will to dump more than that in my stomach. I'd look elsewhere for a 'legal trip.'

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 109998
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Mar 4, 2018Views: 694
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