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Citation:   lindw. "Thunderstruck: An Experience with LSD & DMT (exp110020)". Apr 23, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00   oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 7:00 80 mg smoked DMT  
The day started out at 12:00pm when a group of friends and I had planned to take some LSD. We dropped at lunch and then went home to enjoy the effects.

+0:30 I can start to feel a slight difference in headspace

+1:30 Noticeable visual effects start to take place. The wood grain on the floor begins to move naturally and colors appear spontaneously.

+2:00 This is when the acid starts to peak. The doses given were most likely lower than advertised, because the effects were not as strong as times when I had taken a lighter dose.

(had been smoking cannabis sporatically throughout the day. Last time smoking was about +6:15 into the day)

+7:00 The peak of the LSD is definitely over but is still enjoyable and visuals are noticably reduced. At this point we had been talking about one of my friends smoking DMT and proceeded to load a lightbulb with 80mg of the chemical. My friend was a bit nervous about smoking so I went before him. I have had a few traditional experiences with DMT previously, but because of the LSD I wanted something different. I asked one of my friends to play Thunderstruck by ACDC and turn up the volume. The song started, at which time I began to smoke the DMT.

Three hits is all it took for me to break through. I was transported into space on a floating crystal stage with lights coming from nowhere shining on me. The song had taken over the entire universe and seemed to also be apart of me. This was the most intense experience of my life. While on the crystal stage, I was playing lead guitar for the song, with myself as the supporting band behind me. The audience was filled with infinite amounts or crystalline floating stages that looked exactly like mine, each one emitting unfamiliar colors and light. The craziest part of the trip was the end. The song was dying down and finished with a single chord and I immediately woke from my trip. The 7 people in the room all were astounded at the timing of me waking.

Afterward, I felt energized and awake for the duration of the night.

+12:00 I went to bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

The next day didn't give me as much of an LSD glow as usual but I felt very awake with no hangover effects whatsoever.

Summary: This was the most intense experience of my psychadelic exploration. I would definitely try it again.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110020
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 23, 2021Views: 601
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LSD (2), DMT (18) : General (1), Combinations (3), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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