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Cross-Fading Minimal Electro and S's Aunt
Citation:   seebueb. "Cross-Fading Minimal Electro and S's Aunt: An Experience with 2C-E (exp110055)". May 18, 2019.

T+ 0:00
7.5 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 1 cig. smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 2:54 3.75 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
  T+ 4:04 3.75 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (daily)
This is an account of me, trying 2C-E for the first time. One week after trying 2C-D for the first time.

Set: relaxed mindset after a successful but tiring week at work. A little bit sleep deprived, high on weed for a certain degree.

Setting: In my cleaned shared apartment, flatmate is out of town for the entire weekend.

Dosage: 2C-E: 15 mg (+ 7.5mg, +3.75 mg, +3.75 mg)

First, a few facts about me. I am a male in his mid-forties and I am living I the largest city of a small country in Europe. So please overread my grammar and spelling mistakes. I do smoke weed on a daily basis but do not take any medication nor do I drink frequently. I’m a bit experienced with psychedelics, tripped about 50 times within the last 20 years, with breaks for several years. The week before, I tried 2C-D for the first time and I am not sure whether all tolerance building effects have all worn off.

06:45 / T: +0:00; +7.5 mg
I had set the alarm to 05:30 but switched it off to get another hour of sleep. I had planned some kind of ritual that encompassed having a swim in the freezing lake, then to have a hot shower, to take the substance, then working out in the gym (where I knew I would be alone) and to wait for the effects to take hold and finally going to a museum. The night before, I was cleaning the apartment, responding to Emails and finalizing all open tasks. The alarm went off at 05:45 but it took me another half hour to switch it off. I did not sleep much and abandoned the lengthy plans, dissolved 7.5 mg in a glass of water, drank it, smoked a joint and went back to bed to doze into the trip smiling sarcastically about my lazy downgrade in intentions from quite a ritual to just dozing.

07:30 / T: +0:45
I’m not sure if it’s the placebo effect, the sleep, the effect of weed, but I think to feel something. There’s an excitement and a color saturation. I stay in bed, oscillating between being awake and sleeping and enjoying the effects regardless where they come from.

08:15 / T: +1:30
There’s a warm feeling in the solar plexus, radiating to the limbs. Now, I can tell that I’m tripping for sure. Layers of color that cover everything. It seems that things are taking a stain of the predominant color in its surrounding. My head feels light, there’s no anxiety at all. More, I am feeling self-confident and consider taking another few milligrams just to enhance the experience, but vote against it because it appears to be greedy. Retrospectively, it was the first appearance of a strange mixture of impatience and self-confidence that would accompany me during the trip
it was the first appearance of a strange mixture of impatience and self-confidence that would accompany me during the trip

09:39 / T: +2:54 / +3.75 mg
Almost three hours, I think I waited long enough to have passed the come-up. I take another quarter of the 15 mg pill, dissolved in maybe 0.1 Liter of water.

I am enjoying being. Simply being. A steady stream of pleasant thoughts is entertaining my brain. Things I see, subjects that come to my mind, everything appears interesting and worth a pleasant thought. From time to time, I’m experiencing a swing to the darker, more introspective side. But it is recognizable as a mood swing, yet I am thankful for these thoughts. I get the feeling that this substance is coming and going in waves. But it is always controllable. There are no super great open eye visuals, at least on this dose, but colors are greatly enhanced. My heart rate is slightly faster and I have a very unknown (to me) desire to clench my teeth, a feeling that subsides as soon I tell myself not to.
Hmm, how would music feel like?

10:49 / T: +4:04 / +3.75 mg
But first, I took another 3.75 mg. Again, dissolved in water. I got texted earlier by my girlfriend S. that she would come by around 11:00. We planned to visit the new museum (as the week before, on the 2C-D-trial, but a different museum), her being my trip sitter in public. So, I thought it’s a good idea if I’ve already dosed when she arrives.

After that, I tried to get my stubborn stereo playing my set of early 2000’s electro tunes. These kinds of tasks are not very pleasant on 2C-E, because of the growing impatience. I tried some “quick” fixes and had to start over again a few times because of the “quickness” of it. Eventually, I got it running and it sounded great! Pure joy! I have listened to these very tunes a lot in the past but now, I’m hearing them completely different. For the first time, I “understood” the beauty of cross fades in minimal electro. I couldn’t help but dance in the apartment to it - wilily selecting spots where the neighbors cannot see that a fancy pre-lunch electro-party was going on right next door.

12:10 / T: +5:25
I start realizing that S. will not come soon and that I may have misinterpreted her text earlier. Well, then I’ll go by myself. Since I am running out of cigarettes and cash, I decide to perform a test run by entering a busy mall (2 min by foot), getting cash from the ATM and cigarettes from the shop. I am surprised how well both went, even though that there are definite visual effects. All three doses seem to be in effect by now and there is a general distorted perspective, slight movements in the peripheral field of view and of course: super-color.

I take the street car from the mall to the museum, a 3-min. ride. With the electro tracks on my headphones. Arrived, I decide to take a walk through the park surrounding the museum, to accustom to the museum site. Right before I am about to enter the museum, my girlfriend texting that she’s waiting in front of my door. We arrange meeting at the street-car stop 10 minutes later.
I am happy seeing her but not as much as usual. Maybe I am already too deep into the trip, maybe it is because seeing her means that I can’t listen to the awesome electro anymore, maybe it is because she has a tight schedule (meeting her aunt an hour later) that is not very suitable to my trip. However, we’re walking back to the museum and I am peaking, at least in terms of visuals. All repetitive patterns or textures such as tarmac or grass or gravel on the path to the museum are slowly and constantly floating. We ’re signing-up for a year-long admission at the museum that involves filling out a form on a marble desk and joking with the clerk. I assume the clerk realizes that I am on something and he’s making some kind-of-funny but well-meant remarks. I feel strangely detached from myself but like my clear handwriting and witty responses to the clerk’s jokes.

As I am waiting on S., I can feel my arm melting into the marble desk and watch with some astonishment the marble grain dispersing, floating away from my arm and regrouping on the edges of the desk. But despite all this effects out of the textbook of psychedelics, I am clear headed and emotionally very stable without the slightest sign of paranoia or uncertainty.

We walk through the museum, especially enjoying the archeological artifacts. Out of nowhere, bowel cramps appear, I need to run to the washroom. The cramps seem to intensify the experience and the wall and ground are melting while I am sitting there. This lasts only five minutes and goes away like nothing had happened. Eventually, it’s time for S. to meet her aunt. I need to accompany S. back to the wardrobe to get my stuff out of our shared locker. On the way, we meet her aunt and head for the cafeteria. I take the chance to order a beer, conversation runs easily. But as I am alone with S’s aunt, I realize that I am a little bit too enthusiastic in the way I talk.

However, they both leave and I’m back in the museum. I could spend hours in the museum like this, listening to electro tracks while watching 3000-year-old spear-tips that have been found 500 meters away from where I sleep and eat. I feel a great connectedness with the artifacts and the ancient people manufacturing it, but also feel kind of disturbed by the many other visitors. I decide to leave and meet a friend from work with supposedly his lover. He seems to be glad that I only greet him from a distance, l get my stuff and walk home.

Approx. 15:00 / T: +8:45
I enjoy the music at home, smoke some weed, dance, enjoy my thoughts. The effects are still there but slowly and gently subside. S. comes to visit me some two hours later but leaves after an hour or so, since she had guests at her home. Retrospectively, it would have been better to trip entirely on my own. There was a strange feeling of disconnectedness during the whole trip but nothing serious.

The effects subsided slowly and I was easily able to find sleep at around 22:00 some 15 hours after the first dose and 11 after the last one.

The effects are surprisingly visual and trippy, while easy to control. At least on this dosage. Compared to 2C-D, it causes a more dedicated, more restless, more impatient trip. Music sounded great – especially minimal electro. I like it but I think I would prefer 2C-D over 2C-E, its quieter, more humble.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110055
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: May 18, 2019Views: 807
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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