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Eventually the Lung Tubes Left the Scene
Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
Citation:   CStar. "Eventually the Lung Tubes Left the Scene: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp110071)". Erowid.org. Jan 11, 2023. erowid.org/exp/110071

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Background: Done plain-leaf salvia over a dozen times. No previous extract experience.

Consumption: Packed a bowl almost full with normal salvia leaves, probably around half of a gram. Sprinkled 20x salvia extract on top of the leaf until a thin layer of extract covered the bowl. Placed bowl in medium-sized beaker bong. Used torch lighter to ignite the bowl, snapped the bowl in one hit.

Experience: Within a second of inhaling the smoke, my brain got the all-too-familiar feeling of a salvia trip -- the room around me felt far away, I started feeling cold, and my thoughts subdued
my brain got the all-too-familiar feeling of a salvia trip -- the room around me felt far away, I started feeling cold, and my thoughts subdued
. I held in the smoke for as long as I could, which probably ended up being around ten seconds. As I exhaled I felt the universe close in around my head. At this point the only part of my body I could feel or control was my lungs. I was working very hard to keep my lungs moving and to breathe, and as each breath passed the next would become even more difficult. As this was happening, I was seeing a sort of scene where my lungs started in the bottom of my view, probably where they would be if I were to have a body (which I did not in this scene), and began moving outwards and turning into a more tube-like shape. The lungs were extending over a vibrantly yellow background.

Eventually the lung tubes left the scene, and I was no longer breathing. I had lost the last trace of my body. At that point I was not aware that I ever had a body, or that I was ever an individual. In fact, the term “I” became irrelevant in the situation. There only existed what existed, which turned out to be a place filled with black and blue. Thoughts were no longer present- the odd place around me was all. This place felt sort of like outer space, with specks of light in the distance but mostly darkness. I felt like I was moving very quickly through the void, soaring in the vast space. After a while of soaring, my path of travel and the universe around me began to curve, and I felt as though I was travelling through some sort of tunnel. One of the walls of this tunnel began to vibrate, then sort of push inwards, towards me. At first there seemed to be no pattern to the vibrations of this interdimensional wall, but eventually I recognized the sounds as voices. The voices somehow seemed familiar, and I changed my path to try to merge with the vibrating wall. I could not make contact with the wall- some force was keeping me away, but I could get very close.

Eventually the voices got louder and I opened my eyes, for a second realizing that the voices were from the people in a room with me. With this action also came the return of the awareness of my body. However, I still could not understand what was happening in the room, nor could I control my body very well. I felt a force making it difficult to try to think and understand the world of which my room was a part. Soon this force became too great, and I was pulled out of my world. The place to which I returned was an entirely different scene - a place filled with bright, geometric objects and patterns. I had once again lost my body, but this time my reference frame was stagnant and the world appeared two-dimensional. After an unknown amount of time, my conscious returned to my room. I was still confused, able to comprehend the idea that people around me were talking, but unable to understand what it all meant or why it was happening. Once again, the force pulled me back from the room into the same geometric scene. This process repeated many times, but each time my presence returned to my room I could understand a tad more of what was going on. By the fifth time or so, I could understand that the people in my room were my friends, and I realized that they were leaving. Now alone, I summoned all of my energy and crawled into my bed, slowly wrestling with the blankets until I felt comfortable. I closed my eyes, and entered a half salvia, half dream state where the geometric world became three dimensional, and I was exploring the place. This time I felt more in control, though for the most part I forgot that I was actually laying in my bed and not really part of the scene. After what felt like hours but was probably minutes, I drifted off into a blissful sleep, waking up nine hours later and remembering how comfortable it is to be aware and present of your own body and mind and the reality in which they were meant to exist.

Reflection: This was the most intense experience of my life. The best way I can describe my adventure is as a journey to another dimension where a completely different reality exists, including the seemingly most fundamental laws about the fabric of our universe. At the beginning of the trip, as I was holding the smoke in my lungs, I felt scared. However, as I lost contact with this reality and my body, all thoughts and emotions dissipated, so I was not able to feel fear and be scared.

The comedown from this experience was perhaps the most disturbing part, because I had some thoughts and emotions, but at the same time had to fight this odd force attempting to pull me back into salvia land. I became slightly frustrated after a while, because I wanted to permanently return to my reality. An incomprehensible experience. The lack of trauma and bad feelings combined with the knowledge of what it feels like to lose my conscious make this substance worth consuming.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110071
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 11, 2023Views: 201
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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