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Visiting a Realm With Higher Beings
Citation:   BlessedandRefreshed. "Visiting a Realm With Higher Beings: An Experience with DMT (exp110124)". Jan 31, 2020.

  vaporized DMT
I was quite interested in DMT for some time. Having been exposed to psychedelics in the past and my career choice (cognitive neuroscience) they have always intrigued me in a profound way. I saw the potential in them, to heal, to expand consciousness, to give visions, they are incredible tools not to take lightly.

My first experiences with DMT created intense beautiful visuals but never a 'blast off' as often described when breaking through. I sought out DMT and was determined to break through.
I sought out DMT and was determined to break through.
It's hard to break through the first time with DMT unless one is with an experienced user because of two reasons. One being the difficulty of smoking it correctly in the first place (it's easy to burn, wasting some of the dose) and two being when the effects begin to take effect, which are practically instantaneously, one will feel an incredible urge to surrender prematurely. Now off to the experience.

We packed the pipe with the appropriate dose and had two people assist me in lighting it, this is crucial as my motor skills would cease to exist once under the effects of DMT and I would drop the piece. I began puffing the pipe, and immediately the world around me began to morph. With each puff my surrounding became increasingly distorted and surreal. The two people lighting it began to look very distorted, almost cartoon like and two dimensional. My body had a huge urge to surrender to the DMT but my friends continued to encourage me to keep puffing. I remember their voice fading each time they said it, eventually to a faint whisper. My body then began twitching uncontrollably, and my head went straight back.

During this there was a very distinct 'ripping' noise that increasingly got louder, almost as the universe it self was shattering. I then left whatever universe I was in into a very different universe. I saw three beings doing a ritual style dance in front of me. I was observing them, they were not interacting with me. They were a very vibrant gold color and their shape and configuration is very hard to describe. They weren't humans but I knew they were some being I have never seen before. They had a very profound presence to them. I knew intuitively they were much higher beings then I've ever encountered. As I observed this dance in my peripheral vision there was a black figure, again his composition was very unusual and non human like in any way. It was a masculine energy, he stared at me in such a way as he was looking directly into my soul. He did not interact with me verbally, he just observed me. I was unsure on if this being was friendly or not, he did not harm me, but his presence made me concerned. What is he doing? Why is he staring into my soul? Looking back it may have been a form of judgement, judging my morality and my soul, seeing my worthiness for this realm. I never tried interacting with him due to my concerns but I feel like if I had he would have back. The whole time he was there the other 'light' beings were still performing their ritual dance.

Once this passed, I lost all sense of being in my body and felt as a free flowing state of consciousness, completely figureless with only my consciousness. I observed my body two feet above it, looking down at my body laying there closed eyed. This was the first time I've ever experienced anything like this. Some time after I returned to my body and saw some fading geometric, complex and intricate patterns.

I then returned to normal reality, and felt so serene and pure. I didn't want to move. I felt total peace and contentment. It was almost as a blanket of love filled every cell in my body.

This experience still puzzles me and sticks with me today
This experience still puzzles me and sticks with me today
, I understand why ayahuasca is such a potent tool. DMT is such a powerful teacher and visionary and smoking it is like reading the summary of the novel. Ayahuasca lengthens the DMT to allow it to be more comprehensible. Overall, DMT is an amazing experience that showed me there is something much bigger than myself and the universe.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110124
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 31, 2020Views: 826
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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