Like Stepping Into a Horror Flick
by Lars
Citation:   Lars. "Like Stepping Into a Horror Flick: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp110187)". May 25, 2017.

550 mg oral Diphenhydramine
I took about 550 mg of generic diphenhydramine late in the evening. I lay on my bed feeling a bit tingly. A wave of anxiety falls over me and my heart rate increases quite a bit. After about thirty minutes of this I begin to feel heavy and empty at the same time. I am jittery and no matter how hard I try I cannot stop shaking. It feels like everything has left my body and yet I cannot even bring my arm above my head, as if gravity doubled itself. I am very drowsy, so drowsy that I cannot sleep.

I then get unbearable restless leg syndrome. I start squirming and writhing around my bed. I get panicky and my chest feels tight as a knot. I also feel a strong urge to pee and my mouth is dry. It's one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever experienced.
It's one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever experienced.
I dart my head right towards my dark bathroom. The darkness smokes up with white fog. I calm down a bit and try to breathe and relax. I take a sip of water from a pre-prepared water bottle next to my mattress. I keep eyeing the rising “smoke” until I notice what appears to be a rat in the bathroom. It’s difficult to see but it definitely moves in a way a mouse or rat would. I watch it, mildly amused until I spot a large spider on the toilet seat.

This freaks me out, but I am aware that it isn’t real. Then, it gets far worse. The fog morphs into ghost-like figures, with heads and shoulders, and they fill my whole bathroom. Then, just like that, they disappear. I am terrified and intrigued at the same time. A dark hand reaches its fingers out from my shower curtain and I recoil a bit. The hand flails for a while and vanishes. I peer into my closet, dark, but not as dark as the bathroom. Basketball-sized, translucent spiders are rapidly spawning from the corner of it. When I stare too long, they jump out towards my face and disintegrate.

The urge to pee gets stronger and I decide to go to the toilet. I cannot bring myself to be released from my position. I am being held down to the mattress as if there were a giant cinder block lying on my chest. I manage to crawl to the toilet and I stare at my shower curtain while I urinate; it’s breathing and “glitching.” I then crawl back to my bed and lie down again. I try to open my chromebook and write a message to a friend, The keyboard is completely indecipherable to me. The letters are so blurred together and out of focus that I cannot type my password in, which frustrates me. I decide to grab my cell and text my close friend. She receives confused text strings of babble like, “I cant red” and, “sleep more child.”

At this point spiders are stringing webs across my walls and ceiling. I stare at them whilst gaping wide-eyed like a child. I grab something that feels like a fleshy arm. This causes me to panic but I cannot let go. I look down and realize it is my own arm but I was convinced it had fallen off. From the closet wall a large face apparates as if a giant was attempting to force itself through the plaster. I glance at a black hoodie haphazardly lying on my floor. It morphs into my fluffy black cat, Rasputin. I call out to her and she is once again a lifeless hoodie. Then there is a period of several hours that I cannot recall. I just remember it being 7:00 and suddenly it is 11:00 and the hallucinations have mostly ceased except that my blanket is breathing and there is a fly buzzing around my head. I decide I am now bored. I give in to slumber.

The next day I feel fine. Out of focus, paranoid, but fine.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 110187
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: May 25, 2017Views: 2,417
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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