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Day Tripper
Citation:   Aires92. "Day Tripper: An Experience with LSD (exp110205)". Apr 20, 2018.

200 ug   LSD
I woke in the summer morning at my parents cape house and had the urge to have an LSD experience. I took 200ug after waking up not worrying about being around my parents whilst on the substance. I sat on the couch in the living room listening to music and watching the tv waiting for the substance to kick in. Within 30 minutes I could feel the effects coming on. It felt simply wonderful. I was relaxed, excited, and enthusiastic about the experience to come. I felt at home as the psychedelic headspace began to take hold as I've had many experiences before and know how to navigate through the experience. I was eating a banana and enjoying a cup of coffee when I started to notice tracers from the motion of things and people. My thoughts were clear as ever and the effects felt simply wonderful. I had no qualms about being around my parents. As a matter of fact, I felt more at ease around them than I usually do, which was great. We decided we were going to have a beach day. The car ride to the beach was fun. I sat, composed, listening to music. It sounded wonderful. When we arrived at the beach, the visual effects were noticeable. The clouds had geometric royal-esque appearances to them. Watching the birds fly around above the water was amusing as the sun shone down on the shore. The headspace during the experience was wonderful. This was no doubt the correct dose for the occasion. The landscape was perfect for the experience. Colors were vibrant and the landscape were fantastic to view. Sitting in a chair on the beach, watching the scene in front of me couldn't have been less grand. It was an experience for the ages.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110205
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 20, 2018Views: 932
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LSD (2) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Various (28)

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