The Land of Ra
by Ime
Citation:   Ime. "The Land of Ra: An Experience with DMT (exp110227)". Mar 26, 2020.

14 mg vaporized DMT
Holy shit what a ride. I present a trip report.

14mg DMT vaporized. This is my first and only psychadelic experience and I will not be going again until it is time. I had a wonderful experience.

The Land of Ra
A colorful chain of wrapping paper links surrounds the border of the room. I have chosen a cozy spot on the couch and wrapped myself warmly in a blanket. My friend B came over to be my baby sitter. He will join me briefly on my journey in a moment. B has recommended Dark Star by The Grateful Dead as a gentle but psychedelic companion for my journey. I took his professional advice and recited my mantra. “Be Happy, Be Happy.”

I breath in the taste of burning plastic
My last breath is released
The smoke becomes crystalline
My perception of time seems to be wrong
Things seem to translate slowly from place to place
As if my vision was responsible for their position in the universe and they had forgotten to pay attention and then reluctantly took their appropriate position. Almost as if to say “he isn't going to notice us in a moment anyways, so whats the point?” (I was thinking of douglas adams’ vogons when I wrote that for some reason)

A brilliant golden light pours from the walls. This light is not the light from the tree. It's as if my ability to distinguish the difference between a light source and reflected light is dissolved.
It's as if my ability to distinguish the difference between a light source and reflected light is dissolved.
All points of reflected light no matter how dim became as brilliant as a star and the origin of the light itself came from within. My christmas tree being the only light source aside from the wreath of lights surrounding the room by the ceiling grew into a evergreen of pure light.

My vision becomes awash in gold and purple rupees shifting across each other like so many grains of sand in the windy desert.

“Hey B ?”
“Yeah buddy?”
“Its ok if I change the song right?”
“Of course, its your trip.”
Certitudes - C418
“Be Happy, Be Happy.”

The gold and purple rupees rain down upon the ground to form a desert that stretches to infinity all around me. The transition is smooth, and gentle. The blue blanket I had draped across my lap flowed forth over my legs and across the floor to form the river Nile.

(Now this is the point where things became intense, only for a brief moment)
As the river flowed from my body
I became as the Sphinx, immobile by choice. A kind compelling urge to remain motionless.
“ B I feel like the Sphinx”
“Lol how do you mean?”
My response is non committal. B and myself are sitting on different planes of reality. His understanding of the sights laid before me are reliant upon my description.
I close my eyes and tilt my head back In preparation of some descriptive narration BIG MISTAKE
As my eyelids collide, they are sealed
The DMT Realm was upon Me
A jagged crystal, folding
Some parts shrink as other grow
The dimensions of the object static
Its contents razor sharp in definition
Its movement within its predefined space is fluid and free
Every surface contorting and compressing and expanding to fill the exact amount of space as it did the previous moment
This process was astonishingly beautiful
As if a large impossibly thin glass vial of mercury and glowstone were being stirred from within
This is the gateway
The land of Ra awaits me

My eyes pop open, I'm back in the desert
B is a billowing void his features
Distinguishable only by their shadows
Unalarming is his lack of definition
I walk this path alone

“That was intense.”

“What did you see?” B asks
The after images return.
The world pops into existence one piece at a time.
The waters recede.
The rupees return to the walls and fade
A pale gold light falls upon the room
It recedes back to its source
“Our lovely christmas tree.”
“Be Happy, Be Happy.”

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 110227
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Mar 26, 2020Views: 759
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DMT (18) : Poetry (43), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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