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Really Bad
Citation:   Danny_Drifblims. "Really Bad: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp110317)". May 25, 2017.

400 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
I had experimented with this drug a bit in my junior and senior years of high school, mainly because I was very naive and didn't have the right connections to get any good weed. I can't remember exactly how much I would dose back then, but I still remember how incredibly unpleasant it made me feel. The itching, the restlessness, the nausea, there were so many good reasons for me to not try this shit again. However, last night I had just gotten home from a few nights of partying and was looking for something cheap that would put me out of my head for awhile. I waited until about 1 in the morning for my parents to go to sleep, crept down to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen, and noticed the bottle of generic benadryl that my mom must have picked up from our local grocery store. I took the whole bottle up to my room and contemplated how much I should take. I couldn't help but remember all of the bad times I've had while tripping on benadryl in the past, but decided that it was about time to give it a second chance. I counted out 16 tiny pink pills for a grand total of 400mg, which is what I assumed I was taking when I would trip in the past. I downed them at about 2 in the morning and began to wait.

It wasn't until after about an hour and a half of waiting that I began to feel its effects. At first, I was excited to experience something that i had gone so long without. My memories of the night are still a bit skewed, but I don't recall ever feeling the slightest bit of euphoria
I don't recall ever feeling the slightest bit of euphoria
that some people associate with diphenhydramine. Instead, I was greeted with an incredible amount of itchiness that engulfed my entire body. I was very irritable and I couldn't keep my attention fixated on one thing for more than a minute or two at a time.

About another half hour in, I began to experience horrible muscle spasms in my legs. I had also recognized this exact feeling from when I tripped on benadryl for the first time, and thought that my best bet would be to lay in bed and try to relax as best as I could.

It was at this point that the most uncomfortable aspect of the trip finally kicked in. I began to experience vaginal itching the likes of which I had never felt before. I itched and itched until it was raw and bleeding, but the itchiness only managed to get progressively worse. I tried to apply some aloe, but to no avail. Meanwhile, every minute or so my legs would just jerk around violently and uncontrollably, throwing all of the blankets off of my bed and onto the floor. I can say with certainty that this was one of the most uncomfortable sensations that I have ever had to endure. I began to cry and beg to god to take all of these bad feelings away, but of course they persisted.

At this point, I knew that sleep was no longer an option, but I was desperate to escape the horrible reality I had brought upon myself. I could not manage to stay in bed for more than a few minutes at a time, constantly running back and forth from my room to the bathroom to reapply the aloe. I kept telling myself that I just needed a smoke, but by the time i had stumbled back to my room, grabbed my cigs, and walked across the hall into the bathroom once more, I could not remember what I had come into the bathroom for. This scenario repeated itself about 5 or 6 times.

I don't particularly remember experiencing any open-eye hallucinations at any time during the night, which kind of added insult to injury. I only felt hopeless, alone, and unable to escape. I began to view my body and mind as a prison, and for a while I seriously contemplated ending my life in order to get rid of all of the overstimulation. I would frequently zone out, and when I did I found myself talking to old friends in my head, listening to them intently, and only when I tried to reply to them would I realize that they were not actually there.

By the time 6 am rolled around, I was still wide awake and as uncomfortable as ever. I decided to take a shower in a last ditch effort to soothe the itching in my crotch. After this plan failed, I decided to bite the bullet and talk to my mom about it. I did not tell her about the benadryl, but insisted that she take me to the ER to see exactly why this was happening, and how I could fix it. All the way to and from the hospital I would continue having these realistic conversations with the people in my head. At one point, after all of the testing was done, I told my mom that I was going to wait in the car while she waited for the test results. As soon as I had gotten in the car, I shut my eyes and tried to concentrate on sleeping. When I opened my eyes I could hear another one of my best friends talking to me. I turned around and peeked into the back seat and sure enough, there she was. I did not have the energy to talk with her so I just listened to her ramble on about nothing in particular for a few minutes. As soon as I tried to respond to her, however, she had vanished and I had realized that none of it actually happened. There were a few other similar scenarios over the course of the day, but this was the one I remember most vividly because it seemed so real.

After picking up my pussy meds from our local pharmacy, we arrived at home. At this point, I had almost completely come down, but all of the discomfort remained. Much to my relief, I managed to get about 7 hours of sleep. When I woke up, I was relieved to find that the itching and the spasms were beginning to slow down.

Now that its all said and done, I would not recommend this drug to anyone. Sure, some of the more vivid hallucinations can be cool, but the cons outweigh the pros. This drug smacked me across the face and dragged me down to hell with it, and there was no real way to cope with it until it was over. That being said, i just dosed another 200mg about an hour ago because I am really really dumb. lol cheers

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110317
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 25, 2017Views: 2,896
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Health Problems (27), Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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