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Almost Like It Was Null and Void
Kratom & MDMA
Citation:   SpaceQueen. "Almost Like It Was Null and Void: An Experience with Kratom & MDMA (exp110354)". Mar 23, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  oral Kratom (tea)
  T+ 4:00   oral Kratom (tea)
  T+ 5:00 90 mg oral MDMA  
  T+ 0:00   repeated vaporized Cannabis (extract)
I have moderate experience with psychedelics including LSD multiple times, 4-aco-DMT, 2C-B, and regular cannabis use.
Having worked a short 6 hour shift at my day job on a super slow day, I was looking for something fun to come up on a sunny Saturday evening.

As soon as I got home around 5 I plopped down with my boyfriend and brother to have a smoke session with some dab wax. I decided we should brew up some Kratom tea in my coffee maker and sip on that. The yield was two cups and we both drank one each. The onset of the kratom came quickly and I felt mellow with that warm full body buzz.

We played outside until dusk (around 9 pm) before my boyfriend and I decided that later that night we would finish off our molly stash. I was interested to see what the stimulating effects of MDMA would do with the relaxing effects of the kratom.

We redosed with more kratom tea because we walked off the previous buzz. The onset of the kratom came quickly and I felt mellow with that warm full body tingle again.

At 10 pm, we dropped the molly. I laid in bed so my stomach could settle, but as soon as I got up, I purged. I think this definitely affected my experiment because my boyfriend was beginning to peak on his roll about an hour in and I just kind of stayed consistently high with no sort of peak. I can't say for sure how well my experiment worked out on my end due to the purging, but I think that the effects sort of cancelled each other out. My boyfriend got the full effects of both and he said that the molly definitely overpowered the kratom for him. Overall, even with the purge, it was a good experience and I had a lot of fun. I fell asleep around 2 am.

It is around 1:00 pm the next day and I can say that the kratom definitely helped with the MDMA haze that I get the day after rolling. This could also be because of the purge, but its hard to tell. My boyfriend says that he doesn't have an afterglow effect this time from the roll, and feels almost completely normal today.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110354
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 23, 2018Views: 6,899
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Kratom (203), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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