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Seems More Stimulant Than Relaxing
Citation:   by_Gusto. "Seems More Stimulant Than Relaxing: An Experience with BK-EBDP (exp110460)". Sep 21, 2017.

100 mg sublingual bk-EBDP (powder / crystals)
The new cathinone, almost unknown!

I decided to try 100mg of BK-EBDP (EPHILONE) on Saturday, after finished to work and had a regular dinner, I crushed a 100mg crystal and I took it putting all under my tongue. After 15mins it was completely adsorbed, it was 15,00 (pm), half an hour after dinner (it was better to take it with a very light dinner...).

So, T=15,00 : the experience starts.
T+10min: I feel a certain lightness in my legs and in the whole body. Good.
T+15min: I feel a little asleep probably cause the dinner was not so light...
T+20min: I'm stimulated so I wish to do something, but I've to wait for my mother who wants to go out and I have to take her by car.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
T+30 finally I go out and take the car also if it is a non-adviceable thing to do in this case but I know from the first experience that I won't lose my head so I leave. I drive regularly but I need some music at high volume. I choose a hard rock radio and the high volume doesn't disturb me.

T+1h : I'm back home after listening rock music... The heart is going fast (116 bpm), my full stomach works...
T+1,30 : I begin writing this experience. Heart is still fast, I only hope to digest quickly, I feel a heavy stomach (no good).
T+1,50: I leave the pc and I wash my teeth, my mouth is dry.
T+2,05: start feeling anxiety, hope I don't have to assume anxiolytics.

This Ephylone is very similar to Methylone in the effects, but seems more stimulant than relaxing. Thought is clear and there is a sense of positivity and will to make something good to maximize the pleasure.
T+2,30 I start feeling better with my stomach, I drink some mineral water. Anxiety is almost dissolved, everything seems under control, except me cause I feel a little 'out'. I don't want to go out 'cause I feel the damned stomach full (I mistaked eating so much), the substance itself hasn't effects on the stomach.

T+3h: The main effect seem to be psichical stimulation, more willing, more alertness, but if I begin having thoughts, they arrive quickly and they're many... It's ideal to do an experience like this in the open air, for ex. in a park, but having necessairily something to do. Desire of cigarettes is quite weak, but sometimes...yes, the cigarettes are better under effect. However I smoke less.

T+4: personally I'm spending all the time writing on pc, but now I want to stop it.
In substance, a good afternoon and a good stimulation, it lasts until 23,00 , at T+8h. Not so bad for an unknown!!
T+8: the effects fade slowly and I'll take some EN for sleeping... the action of Ephylone has almost vanished.

AFTER effects: slept with a little of nervousism, the day after some anxiety but nothing relevant (100mg!).

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110460
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Sep 21, 2017Views: 7,403
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bk-EBDP (798) : General (1), Alone (16)

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