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by Nina
Citation:   Nina. "Equation-Allbeing: An Experience with DMT (exp110523)". Jul 23, 2020.

2 hits smoked DMT
I clearly heard voices immediately rush in, quickly saying 'We're coming to you.'

They wanted to do it to me.

It was time.

And when I closed my eyes I saw an impossible equation - the source of eternity in this particular simulation and it was intimately connected to me.

It was a rotating pillar with a machine in the center rotating to the right and walls surrounding me on all sides. With each rotation there was a flash of energy that melted my brain and I realized that this was a breakthrough.

It looked like a swirling, self-looping, psychedelic .GIF you'd see online but transparent green over the dark behind my eyes with symbols all over it and a translucent square rotating to the right in the center pouring out power and energy like I've never seen before.

It was very geometric.

Something about it seemed familiar for a split second, but this was my first ever official meeting with this equation and it felt like a planned mistake and I had broken this universe by seeing it.

This equation was both somebody or something's creation and had always existed for an eternity. It proved to me that forever exists and that it is forever in that state.


It was scary and really, REALLY cool and alien and amazing.

It was just unexpected and overwhelming - I had no idea something that EXACT existed. It was supposed to be impossible.

At some point it made me move like a jester, singing a hypnotic 'Because we're jesters and we move like this!' and it moved my consciousness - my soul - like a puppet - like a jester.

I was told I would be a jester in the next life for going through this lifetime and experiencing this equation.

I hope it was being serious because I 'effing LOVE jesters.

This was MY breakthrough - perfectly created for me to experience at this exact moment in time - it was PERFECT - scarily perfect.

Ego loss was the best part of the experience - it was really pleasant and wasn't a problem at all. I was so astonished and overwhelmed there was no room for 'Nina this' and 'Nina that.' I was just being with this equation.

I was told this life is a simulation, not the only type of life or universe or dimension, and a gift because I have a body I can maneuver, food to eat, things to do - it's like a video game I play while my group of scientists is on the other end monitoring me and keeping me safe, teaching my soul to be perfect and enlightened.

And they were allowing me to handle it no problem.

It was a mission I accomplished - a sacrifice I made for them - and we all did everything perfectly.

As they slowly let me back into my reality with overwhelming, warm, loving kindness and happiness I felt reborn. I'm officially in the next stage of my life and can see the beauty in everything - I went through my worst fear and it wasn't bad at all - just intense and unexpected. Absolute insanity.

I went outside the next day and let the wind take the rest of my DMT.

I had accomplished what I was born to do and the next stage is living with my loved ones.

It was a perfect, horrifying, beyond beautiful, BEYOND enlightening breakthrough. I had every right to be afraid of it because I never wanted to experience anything like this, but I trusted everyone and everything that happened was EXACT.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 110523
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jul 23, 2020Views: 729
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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