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A Disappointing Drug Mix
MDMA & Piracetam
Citation:   Therapistintodrugs. "A Disappointing Drug Mix: An Experience with MDMA & Piracetam (exp110525)". Oct 1, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1 g oral Piracetam
  T+ 1:45 200 mg oral MDMA
A Dissapointing Drug Mix Experience

I'm writing this report, as I had a very disappointing experience with Piracetam and MDMA
I had a very disappointing experience with Piracetam and MDMA
and I feel it would be helpful for others to know my (and my friends’) experience with this.

First, the background: I am an experienced partier (have had many many experiences with MDMA, mushrooms, ayahuasca, LSD, weed, and speed), and have led my group of friends through many of these experiences. I usually do MDMA in a rave-type environment with my very close friend and his girlfriend, and recently my girlfriend (it’s a new relationship). I also have a masters degree in clinical/counselling psychology and am a practicing therapist, so I am very well versed in emotions, emotion processing, somatic sensations and how people tend to experience/describe them, etc etc.

I had been doing quite a bit of reading and research on Piracetam and because I always strongly advocate for the safest possible drug use, I opted to try Piracetam in conjunction with MDMA because the research shows that Piracetam has neuroprotective properties (although no research could identify the method of action as far as I could find, as of October 2016 when I was doing the research). I also saw anecdotal reports all over the internet describing a ‘first time-like experience’ for an experienced MDMA user trying this combination (let’s be honest, we all want it to be like the first time all over again, right!)

Also note, the MDMA we consumed this night was tested with the full battery marquis test which turned dark purple/black right away. I have taken this particular batch of MDMA with about 10-12 people and based on my experience observing others (as well as my subjective experience) this is the real deal.

So, my friends and I were prepared for a significant wait in the line-up of this particular rave as we have gone to it 3 years in a row and it was about an hour wait in the years’ before. We took 2 pills of Piracetam (500mg) each in the lineup in preparation, because I read that the substance gets metabolized rather slowly and I didn’t want to have to take in a bunch of big pills into the rave (this rave is bad for doing very … err… ‘personal’ searches).

Soon after taking the pills I noticed my face was flush, and I had a caffeine-like effect on my body and how I was talking. To be fair, we were all cold, and excited to get into this rave. Nonetheless, I did feel that I was more talkative than I feel I normally would be in these circumstances and my body was feeling a little ‘buzzy’ (/jittery, /antsy).

We get into the rave about 45 minutes later and decide to wait for another hour to do the MDMA. When we got into the rave I did not feel any different than normal – the buzz of the Piracetam seemed to have worn off. We wait that time and all drop our respective doses (varying in size depending on each person’s body weight and sensitivity to drugs – my dose was 200mg as I like to get quite high and at the time I was a bit tubby at 190lbs).

After the first dose we all waited…. And waited…. And waited.
After the first dose we all waited…. And waited…. And waited.
2 hours passed and none of us felt anything. So I allowed my friends (who at this point had been harassing me for more for some time) to have another 1.5 doses. Another hour passed and I sat down in the bleachers by the dance floor. I noticed a sudden feeling of immense gratitude and euphoria as I held my girlfriend in a side hug, embracing the beauty of the lazers and lights, hearing the melodic and peaceful tune of intermission. This lasted for about 5-10 minutes then just as suddenly poof…. The feeling vanished and I felt as if I was completely sober again. My girlfriend was happy and excited to be present with me (as she always is) but reported feeling nothing out of the ordinary. She appeared sober and had shown no indication of intoxication from MDMA (eg. super dilated/constricted pupils, tremors, high energy, telling me things that were out of the ordinary or exceptionally ‘lovey’, dancing in her own world, etc). We walked back to my friends on the dance floor and they seemed the same as my girlfriend – and reported that they didn’t feel anything at all except for a little ‘flash’ of a high a little while back.

My friends’ girlfriend insisted on taking another dose and I reluctantly gave her one last one. Later in the night she reported that again she had felt a little buzz and a brief moment of bliss, followed by more feeling sober. The night ended and we all went back to my place and had a chat and snack. We were all equally disappointed and all went to sleep without much effort (at around 5-6 hours after our first dose).

Since this time we have all done MDMA (this batch) several times in similar environments and enjoyed the typical (blissful, love filled, super fun) MDMA experience. Thus, my conclusion is that it was the Piracetam that had an unhelpful effect on the outcome of our night. *

***One caveat to this conclusion is that we did eat a meal that was high in vitamin C (lots of veggies and fruit with high vitamin C content) before we left for the rave. This might be a confounding variable (another thing that might have disrupted the MDMA high), so take this story with a grain of salt and if you have a different experience please do a write-up as well!***

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 110525
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Oct 1, 2019Views: 803
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MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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