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LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   phycadelicenthusiast. "Purgatory: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp110577)". Feb 11, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 3 hits smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 1:15   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 2:10   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 3:20   smoked Cannabis  
Note: Driving while under the influence is VERY unsafe, and I do not advise anyone to try it.

I started my evening with two of my trustworthy friends with the usual evening by smoking about two bowls of cannabis to calm the nervousness of my second phycadelic expierence, my first one was awful and the closest I've ever been to death.

T: 0:00
My friend N split the three tabs. I put my tab on my tounge, tasteless, which gave my two good friends the okay to put theirs on their tounge. We sat for about 40 minutes before we had to leave our safe place, consumed about 3 bowls of cannabis during this sitting.

T: 20:00
I'm sitting in my safe place, which is a very odd spot, one of the most elevated spots in the county I live in, and I start to feel this overcoming feeling of someone else being in my head, I'm very unsure of this certain presence I feel.
I start to feel this overcoming feeling of someone else being in my head, I'm very unsure of this certain presence I feel.
He seems kind of like an odd individual talking to me in my thoughts. Kind of playing tricks with my head.

My friend N tells me to turn the headlights on our car on, so I did. Being in the spot we were in, it was the middle of the night, and with the headlights on you could literally see the clouds we were in. I looked at the sky, and I began to see nothing but a sky filled with very large clam shells to my discription. I oddly feel this presence in my head tricking me again, with the constant dangerous, very paranoid feeling.

T: 0:45
My friends and I left our safe place, knowing our next destination was another safe place. About a mile or two down the road, my friend C asked if we could possibly stop at the closest open store, so we stop at the local dollar store. He tells us he will probably be a second, sick. As he goes in, my friend N and I are sitting in our car, and we start to discuss how we were feeling. He tells me he has a certain presence in his head too. I then describe the presence in my head as a wizard playing mind games. He describes his as a joker. Before my friend C made it back to the car, my friend N had already gotten out of our car, feeling like he was going to vomit, but being in public he didn't.

T: 55:00
My friends and I were cruising talking, joking around as usual. My friend N said something that made me feel a little frustrated, so as usual, I let out a really high pitch scream. We get to the end of the road we were on, conversation stopped, since I had screamed like I did I had been feeling this joker back in my head, and really fucking with me this time. I told my friend N that something was wrong, he said I know, you screamed as we were passing the cemetery back there. We still had about 8 more miles until we reached our safe place.

T: 1:15
We reached our safe place, as we were sitting there outside in the woods, I leave my lights on. As I'm packing a bowl of high grade cannabis, I start to lose feeling in my fingertips and the little buds start to feel like cotton balls. We start to smoke, and I literally do not get any kind of high off of this cannabis. Very very very odd. And I start to feel him back again. I soon come to realization that this presence in fact is a joker of some sort, and he has a very hefty bag of tricks to play with me tonight.

T: 1:45
We decide to take a trip down to the closest river access to us, one of the most unique ones where the Indians back in the 1940's lived. I grew up very close to an older lady that used to live 50 feet from the river when she was younger and I heard many many stories about the place. I have Choctaw and Cherokee Indian in my blood, so keep this in mind.

T: 2:00
We enter the gravel road leading to the river. I see an owl, in a tree on the left side of the road. This owl is staring at me, and I barely catch him in my field of vision as we pass. About 1/4 mile down the gravel we nearly hit a fully white rabbit crossing the road.

Smoking another bowl of cannabis that none of us will feel but we still smoke because we want to reach some high, if at all possible. I sat there thinking in my own head for a good minute, freaking out over thoughts that this joker is playing in my head and had been since 20 minutes after I placed the tab on my tongue. My friend N gets my attention to ask me how I'm feeling, this time I felt he was in deep concern. I told him I felt like someone was in my head really making me worry about the small things that shouldn't matter, also the welfare of my loved ones. He then asks me to describe all I can of this wizard or joker playing his bag of tricks. I discribed him as a figure who can't be figured out because he hides his identity quite well. When I relax and close my eyes for a second, I see him as an individual who wears a cape, probably holding a cloak of some sort, and he knows his mind games quite well. My friend C replied to me and says that he feels a presence quite similar, but possibly more of a demonic individual in his head. My friend N freaks out, looking at the two of us, and tells us both in all seriousness and mentions that he'd been feeling an overcoming feeling as if it was a demonic figure in his head too, but it had only been happening since I screamed while passing the cemetery.

T: 3:00
Leaving the river access I felt this overcoming presence of a lost loved one, my grandfather (who was a son of a leader of a Cherokee Indian tribe in 1938). I felt like this bag of tricks was being thrown at me by my grandfather who was a very abusive, cruel man.

We arrived at our safe place. Began smoking a few bowls of wasted cannabis. I began feeling this awful feeling of worry that I need to be at my house, checking on my loved ones I had been worrying about, but I stayed a little while because I did not want to drive in public while tripping in fear of the first time I tried that. I closed my eyes for a second, slipping into almost a vivid dream state of mind, I visit this presence that has been taking over my mind in person, he is a man with a red mask, he calls himself the joker, he appears a weak minded man with a very impulsive mindset, one to break an individuals barriers in their head between imagination and reality. He seems very real, and before I leave my nearly one minute visit with this man, he does not forget to remind me that he will always be here.

T: 4:00
I dropped my friend C off at his house,
and I was dropping my friend N off back at his truck as we were departing for our trip home. I start to worry about my friend N and his attempt to depart home while possibly still tripping. I feel like this horrible presence I brought into our trip could potentially harm him. I do not want to leave him, but I had to at some point. Very very stomach aching feeling at this point, worrying more and more every second..

T: 4:20
I'm on the interstate on my way home, and the lights on 18-wheelers seem to mess with my eyes. As I make it closer to the town I have to cross through to my route home, I worry about my friend N more and more. I feel as if I'm being watched this entire time, not sure by who or what. Paranoia.

T: 4:50
I make it to my home, call my friend N, he made it home safe. I lay in my bed, the overcoming feeling of the presence is gone but he is still fiddle farting with my racing mind. My folks were very upset when I arrive home but I made my straight shot to my room to avoid interaction. I jotted down some pointless things on a piece of paper to help clear my head.

T: 5:00
I enter my living room where my grandmother's boyfriend was sitting, he asked why I was in so late, and began yelling at me. As he was yelling at me, I felt like I was going to pass out smooth on the floor. I was still tripping on LSD, and this angry man was yelling in my face. I told him that I could not talk to him, I do not feel good and I paced to my room.

T: 5:45
I find myself laying in my bed. I feel a little better, finally coming back from my trip so I decided to relax, and I finally fell asleep after about 3 hours of thinking and writing.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110577
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Feb 11, 2020Views: 718
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LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Entities / Beings (37), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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