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Dissociated Haziness
Citation:   goonman. "Dissociated Haziness: An Experience with Dihydrocodeine (exp110579)". Jun 16, 2017.

15 mg oral Pharms - Dihydrocodeine
Having a congested chest and mild emphysema, I pussy out and take only 15mg to see what it's going to do. I hop in a cab towards the spot in the city renowned for its transgender prostitution and beggars with beautiful voices & guitars. I take a long walk feeling out of this world like I'm not present anymore and feeling extremely calm about everything, even though cops were circling around and there was the threat of pickpocketers. While I am an anxious person I felt no worries and thought 'who gives a f***, let em take me' and continued my walk to spot some hot traps and listening to guitarists. The kurdish dude singing had a voice that was probably amplified in pleasantness by the DHC but I can tell you that it was the most goddamn beautiful thing I heard.

Whole time I felt like I was looking at the street through a box, like I wasn't there but I was watching a tv that was extremely close and calmness, no euphoria, which is obviously because of the low dose.

Now after 2+ hours I am feeling slightly depressed but still calm and I lost all my self-consciousness. I can see why they call opiates the devil drug now, I can understand better why people have such an awful time quitting, makes me think it's either due to the painlessness of dissociation or it's a physical dependence more than psychological. I'm going to check if I still have cravings and try again with a 30mg dose next month, that is if this dysphoria doesn't get too hard, in which case I'll flush the pills. 15

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110579
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 16, 2017Views: 4,520
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Pharms - Dihydrocodeine (392) : General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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