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Mental Gluttony
Citation:   RemarkableMacca. "Mental Gluttony: An Experience with LSD (exp110598)". Dec 18, 2018.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I was 16 years old at the time of this trip. My friend, let's call her Q, was my trip sitter, although she helped none at all, really. Her brother just sort of gave me a tab of acid. Although many believe it is an idiotic decision to take psychedelics at such a young age, I have been very interested in psychedelics for the past few years. I regularly smoke marijuana, along with occasionally getting drunk. So I figured since I have a bit of experience with an altered state of mind, I should have faith in my ability to handle myself on LSD. Now, this was about a month ago, but I still remember the events that took place.

Q was trying to pressure me out of taking the tab for a week prior. She had recently stopped using marijuana and made it an oath to stop being interested in drugs all together. But once I assured her I'm taking it, she agreed to be my sitter, a position which I suggested in case I needed someone to emotionally help me, or maybe even take me to a hospital if shit hit the fan.

The day came, I woke up at 5:30am. I was aware of how long the drug lasts, and wanted to have an all-day experience where I felt everything from the come up to the come down. However I never really felt myself sober--which I'll get into later.

I placed the tab under my tongue. Me and Q put coats on since it was like 45 degrees. I grabbed some mandarins and a couple water bottles, I planned to be at the park all day in an effort to avoid my parents. We head out to my nearby park - about a 5 minute walk. She pressured me into making a video stating if anything went wrong, shes not responsible. Something I thought was ridiculously selfish and idiotic, but knowing her, I did it anyway and forgot about it in an effort to not ruin my mood.

We arrived at the park. We sat on the swings and just talked a little. The tab was still under my tongue. I asked Q how long we had been there. She told me it had been an hour, I did not believe her--it felt like 5 minutes. Something I thought was odd. I didn't feel or see anything. We went onto the playground and sat on it. I stared at the bars for a bit, occasionally looking up at the sky. It was a lovely day, I love the cold. We talked about nothing in particular. Until I really felt... odd. It looked like the bars of the playground were stretching indefinitely. Q asked me if I was feeling it, and I told her what I saw. She nodded and that was it.

I was mesmerized by the bars, but pulled myself away from looking at them after like 10 minutes. I thought now was a decent time to swallow my tab. I like chewing on things so it was in my mouth for a while just being chewed up, hence why it took so long for me to swallow it. I looked at the sky and trees, they looked beautiful. Q said she was really cold and uncomfortable. I was in a completely awkward state, it was like my regular thought process and cynicality of my personality was gone. I stayed silent.

She suggested we walk along the sidewalk that goes around the park.

It was so outstandingly gorgeous. The cold and scenery was just breathtaking. A boring old park became a beautiful painting. I have heard that yellow-tinted glasses make everything better. Thankful for me, I have these transition glasses that I have to wear. They turn a dark yellow whenever intense light hits them. So everything was yellow tinged. We walked around, and I took off my glasses. It was.. disappointing. Other than my lack of clear sight, it was just a boring type of neutral color. So I decided I'd keep them on.

We then sat on the swings. I wanted to listen to Shpongle, and wow was it amazing. They stimulated my mind in all the right ways. It felt so... right.

Everything in the universe seemed like it fit exactly where it was, like a big puzzle.

The music was grand. It sounded metallic to me.

Q said she was "super super" cold, and wanted to go home. I dreaded that. The fear of having to face my parents while on acid terrified me. But I was also really digging Shpongle, and the fear went away when I played attention to the song I was listening to. For those who care, I Am You and The Sixth Revelation were my favorite songs at the time.

We walked home, and thankfully nobody was home. We lied on my bed for a good hour. I was just exploring music like Pink Floyd and more Shpongle. Although I love Pink Floyd, it didn't seem like my forté at that moment. It just didn't resonate with me. It still sounded decent, though. But nothing special like Shpongle.

Anyway, Q left suddenly. She said she was bored and gonna watch tv in the living room. She left her vape on the bed, though. I was chilling on the bed by myself, thinking about my personality and my ego. It was pretty chill. It was eye-opening as well. I came to terms with a lot of aspects of my personality.

Honestly, I felt like the shit. My ego was so high, I felt like I was smarter than everyone else and that I was so beautiful. Which I normally never, ever think of. It was nice to be confident in my existence rather than my regular self-deprecating state of mind.
It was nice to be confident in my existence rather than my regular self-deprecating state of mind.

Anyway, I decided to go to the living room to join Q. My sister came home, and I was making myself some ramen. I wasn't hungry but thought why not, I haven't eaten anything at all today. It was maybe 12 or 1pm by this point. She asked me a question about whether or not her oatmeal was cooked all the way. I thought that was the most absurd question ever that only a dummy would ask. I mean--just follow the directions. It's not like oats have salmonella. Now I realize it was a normal question, not in terms of safety but for taste. I was thinking with complete logic and no emotion. So I thought of it as "is it safe" rather than "is it pleasurable".

I normally take feelings into consideration, so that was different. She asked if I was stoned, I said no. That was the end of that.

I ate my ramen and watched tv for like an hour. The tv morphed still and it was like...I was out of body? I don't know how to explain it, I just saw the world with a type of different weird perspective that felt like I was watching my whole house at one time.

Eventually I went to my boyfriends house, and kicked him and his friends ass at For Honor, which is pretty funny considering I get very angry whenever I play videogames and just simply don't have the motivation or hand-eye coordination to play those games. This only fueled my ego. It was funny that I was better than everyone else for once. And I didn't get mad when I lost once or twice. So I noticed that big personality change.

Eventually I decided I was gonna sleep over at his house. By 10pm I was still hallucinating. His house was breathing, his wall decorations were swirling and stretching, but much less than they had at the park. I still felt... weird. Like an underlying grease of my high still remained. I was honestly scared that my trip would never end.
I was honestly scared that my trip would never end.
I legitimately thought I would have that weird feeling of being high for the rest of my life since the high lasted so long. Turns out many people experience this, and it was just part of the come-down. Some people feel this way for another day. I was relieved.

The next day we went to Busch gardens. But I was just in such an awful mood. I thought that for such a relatively positive trip, I wouldn't feel so mentally agitated the next day.

So, in conclusion, my first trip was pretty chill. I know this was long, and I guess I went into unnecessary detail. But I loved reading long and in depth trip stories before my trip, they helped me the most in regards of knowing what I was getting into before I took that tab. I plan on taking a decent dose of Psilocybin very soon. I want to take a large enough dose so I can get rid of my ego completely, and see things in a different light once again.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110598
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Dec 18, 2018Views: 906
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LSD (2) : Music Discussion (22), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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