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Gave Me the Energy I知 Usually Lacking
Citation:   qualiarabbit. "Gave Me the Energy I知 Usually Lacking: An Experience with LSD (exp110619)". Dec 21, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  oral LSD
  T+ 4:15 0.5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis
  T+ 4:15   oral Alcohol - Hard
LSD Microdosing Movement

I致e had a small cap of 100ug LSD (it was mixed with sugar and put in an empty pill capsule) sitting in my refrigerator for a while. Being interested in microdosing, but was unsure how. After a long internet search, decided to put the full cap in 100ml of vodka. Wanted to wait for 24hours before having some, but that same day I was going to be part of a Contact Improvisation JAM (a space for movement improvisation either alone or with more people), so I was very interested on how would touch feel with microdosing.

I left the cap to dissolve for around 2 hours before taking 0.6ug before heading to the event (around 18:15). While on traffic (I was not driving) (around 18:50) songs sounded in loud and amazing, had to do a full karaoke moment. Usually I知 really nervous while on traffic since where I live you can get mug in that situation really easy, but I felt really calm and with no anxiety in my body. I was more focused on the singing part.

Got to the I.C. JAM around 19:05. Movement and touch felt the same, but I laugh more than usual.
Movement and touch felt the same, but I laugh more than usual.
We did like 2.5 hours of full moving on our own and with partners. I did not feel interested in doing lifts or more complex stuff, I was more interested in playing and improvising with the music. I was sweating a lot! (more than my usual and more than anyone else) Drank 2 glasses of water. There was some food, but I was not hungry at all.

Finish activity at 22:30. I was feeling energetic, so decided to head to a dancefloor. On the way there, had half a joint. This made me feel spaced out and relaxed. Got to the club and order 1 rum&coke with a looooot of ice. That drink, plus one glass of water, got me dancing up until 1:30am. I was not feeling super excited but more like if I致e had a great nap and could just keep up for a long time. Decided to leave the club of a responsibility aspect of actually getting up the next day, but my energy could have kept me longer.

When I got home (2:00) I got right to bed. Sleep really well and was able to wake at 7:30 for work. Work that day went by with me feeling happy and carefree. I even got a lot of painting done that night after work, still feeling inspire with every song that came up and all the color palette.

First impression is that micro dosing gave me the energy I知 usually lacking to get things done and enjoy present moment.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110619
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 21, 2018Views: 916
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LSD (2) : Various (28), Performance Enhancement (50), General (1)

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