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My Legs Wouldn't Work
Citation:   Mycological. "My Legs Wouldn't Work: An Experience with Amanitas (exp110628)". May 18, 2019.

20 g oral Amanitas (fresh)
Upstate New York Has a Strong Mushroom

Was driving by a max security prison with big wall in upste N.Y. Under the pines I noticed a bunch of yellow A's from the car. Same as the red ones just yellow to orange.

I stopped, picked, brought home and cooked in some oil garlic butter. Yum! They are a good tasting mushroom. I've eaten dried ones 4 times before with good strong, controlled results at the 10 gram mark. So I ate about 20 grams fresh (1 huge cap 4 regular) so I wasn't too worried.

About 45 minutes later I was quickly overwhelmed with complete delusion. Fight or flight kicked in, I walked outside and was just amazed and stupefied by my surroundings. Rite away started to have strong thoughts I was fading out and dieing but I wasn't too scared, more interested. Tried to walk to the end of the driveway and collapsed because my legs kept completely buckling.
Tried to walk to the end of the driveway and collapsed because my legs kept completely buckling.
I made it back to my front door and could not manage the 2 steps required. I somewhat remember my neighbor comming out to assist me, but she was just a complete elongated robot to me and I have not seen her since. I remember my legs wouldn't work and I had these closed eye scenerios that were completley bizarre.

The scary part was I woke from the dream state 8 or so hours later with puke near my head which I've never had happen. I worked the next day but felt nausea until I ate. Definitely had an afterglow. I could think straight and felt good in general all day. Weird contrast to the nausea and scary death thoughts.

I have a whole new respect for them now. The first ones I picked and ate were not nearly as strong, so be careful. The yellows can be just as potent as the Alaska or Washington State ones for sure.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110628
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: May 18, 2019Views: 1,190
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Amanitas (5), Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Alone (16), General (1)

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