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The Red Energy of Life
Citation:   Freaky Frog Guy. "The Red Energy of Life: An Experience with Ketamine (exp110635)". Erowid.org. May 10, 2018. erowid.org/exp/110635

220 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
This is the story of the first time I did Ketamine. Looking back on it as it was my first time ever I probably would’ve taken less, but saying that I don’t regret having a K hole dose my first time as it taught me many things.

Unfortunately I don’t have too many time references as I was deep in the k hole and couldn’t really move very well.

I snorted all 220mg of the ketamine at approximately 11:35pm then I lay back in bed and prepared for the ride. Shortly afterwards I noticed a ringing in my ears that was intensifying in volume. This soon transported me into a trance like state which I’m assuming is the point where I disassociated from my body and surroundings as when my mind escaped from the trance I recognised where I was but I couldn’t have told you that it was my bedroom. The whole room looked completely alien but somehow similar.

Soon after this a strange red energy seemed to be accumulating in the corners of my room and the roof seemed like it was getting closer and closer to me. Then I decided to close my eyes and I was transported to a world of bliss with strange patterns and it almost seemed as if I was falling through reality, then the patterns formed into the restaurant where I work. This was strange enough but then I remember thinking that I wasn’t actually myself but someone who I work with almost like I stepped into their skin
I remember thinking that I wasn’t actually myself but someone who I work with almost like I stepped into their skin
but not only that I seemed to adopt their thought pattern as well. Slowly the restaurant started to fade away, as it faded I saw my manager's head floating around speaking to me as if I had done something wrong (as he often does in real life). Eventually this faded and I opened my eyes and again didn’t really recognise my room while the red energy was still lurking in the corners.

That was that first “cycle” of the trip that I could remember but I have many cycles each telling their own story each starting with me closing my eyes and ending with me opening them. At the end of one of these cycles I opened my eyes and the red energy was surrounding me but it seemed nervous as it got closer I could see that it almost looked like small bacterial cells. They proceeded to tell me in a non-verbal way that they controlled the flow of good energy in the universe and the reason that bad things happen is because people don’t let them in but rather push them away, so after they communicated that to me I remember just whispering let them in, then they all seemed to flow around me almost cradled me as I closed my eyes again to re-enter another cycle.

After this was when the cycles seemed to do most of their teaching about the universe and my life. These cycles seemed to go on for a fairly long time after this. Until one cycle ended and when I opened my eyes I recognised my room again and seemed to regain some form of coordinated limb movement so I rolled over and checked my phone and it was 12:57am. The main trip was over but the after effects still rendered me unable to walk so I just turned off my light and went to sleep.

Looking back on it I must’ve had some control during the open eye parts of the cycle as I managed to send some messages to my trip buddies (which I don’t remember doing) but these messages were only short and it appears 3 of the 4 were before I even fell into the K hole.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110635
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 10, 2018Views: 1,279
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Ketamine (31) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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