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Dangerous Interaction
Phenibut & PEA
by Zy
Citation:   Zy. "Dangerous Interaction: An Experience with Phenibut & PEA (exp110641)". Jun 21, 2017.

  oral Smarts - Phenibut (powder / crystals)
  3 g oral Phenethylamine (powder / crystals)
In short familiar with drugs other than mescaline or stimulants or opioids, which I avoid. As an older human with an older mind a bit stuck in the 'old fogey' problem. I became interested in revisiting the healing potential of therapeutic nootropics and the various receptor phenomena of healers like DIVINERS SAGE, (salvinorum) MAGIC MUSHROOM, AYaHUAuSCA BARK, and other 'plant spirits' for personal and scientifically based healing purposes (such as the generation of neural stem cells). I avoided any harmful drugs that damage the body. I later discovered that DXM was found to be neuroprotective in scientific publications. (The harm is when it wears off quickly, so I redosed gradually to baseline). This is my first report. Hope it is useful in bad combinations under phenibut or phenibuterol (a drug developed in Russia to help soldiers recover from shellshock).

Concerning Phenibut, I had been using on a light basis about once a week for about two years. I found it to be a very useful tool to overcome personal social shyness. I found that as a nootropic it did stimulate, in essence, the ability to examine ways to improve my life, to see habits and to gain insights. Habit observations occurred in the difficult hangover period. In short insights seemed to result from pushing through the fog of somewhat strange hangover
insights seemed to result from pushing through the fog of somewhat strange hangover
, a high in that the high dopamine levels of the hangover did something. There is much to research about the mystery of this powerful gabergenic nootropic! However I am writing this report in the effort to help others avoid a serious interaction with PEA (the essential essence of chocolate).

I would use Phenibut on a 'controlled binge' slowly increasing the dose to a gram and tapering off over about 3 days. I added to the mix a low dose of DXM in sips and on occasion YOHIMBINE, while being aware that yohimbine and DXM should never be mixed (bad for the brain cells). So, the addition of DXM and yohimbine was on different day. To be clear, on one of these phenibut hangovers I had used some Cannabis and the buzz of the overall three-day 'binge' was a somewhat light buzz as I was able to learn and remember things from the experience.

OK, now the warning. I had decided to end the last stage with PEA and had about 3 grams in a spoon. In a few minutes I was overwhelmed but an intense perceptual rush of 'mystic magnitude' while a moment later came intense reflex vomiting. I knew something was horribly wrong and went to empty my stomach. Following this I was totally bedridden for 3 days.

I theorize that the combination of Phenibut and PEA had somehow attacked the spinal hickup reflex. Every breath was intensely painful as when the inhale cycle completed there was a powerful hickup that would not manifest. All the power of the reflex shorted out into my spine with an agonizing sensation as if being split in half. For this reason I am filing this report. There may be other unknowns with Phenibut (such in combination with yohimbe or other substances resulting in a form of serotonin syndrome or perhaps a dopamine syndrome).

Phenibut is quite powerful. While recovering I somehow knew intuitively that sweating was helping and I was wrapped in heavy blanklets by the fire drenched with sweat. I was finally able to drink small amounts of water and eventually eat a few bites. I still plan to use phenibut for the learning nootropic effects of the hangover /with the therapeutic neuronal growth learning effects... But I will only take it solo. If I have the need.

Have been finding that my sincere but poor efforts to alter my mind with meditation are leading me to realize that meditation is working to provide much satisfaction like the positive use of some drugs that I explored.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110641
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 47
Published: Jun 21, 2017Views: 8,840
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Phenethylamine (695), Smarts - Phenibut (379), Meditation (128) : Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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