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Very Different From the First Time
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   bimnick. "Very Different From the First Time: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp110656)". Erowid.org. Jul 24, 2017. erowid.org/exp/110656

1 tablet oral MDMA
2 Experiences With Ecstasy

The first time I experienced ecstasy was with some friends – not my very best friends - in a nightclub that was playing only deep/techno music. I was completely sober before taking it and didn’t mix it with alcohol or another drug during the effect. I took just one pill (full, not dividing by half), chewed and swallowed it.

Maybe 20 minutes later, I was feeling something different, some energy and a willing to dance, and I wondered myself: “is it the effect that everybody says it is wonderful and magic?” It was good, but nothing like they said. 10 minutes later, the drug effect kicked in in fact and I realized that the previously was just placebo. This new effect is unmistakable, nothing in common life can be compared and, when my friends said it was going to be the best experience in my life, they were right. The key word for the ecstasy experience for me is “euphoria”, I felt an enormously joy, way bigger than ever felt before, it was overflowing, and I couldn’t stop smiling. The temperature of the body was a little bit higher but that made it very cozy. Then, the love declaration started, everyone started hugging and feeling emotional in a good way, we felt like brothers and I thanked very much them for this. I was feeling a lot the music, every drop, and transposing this to dancing, sometimes I closed my eyes and felt I was in my own world just enjoying and dancing. I didn’t even like deep music, always found it boring, but during the effect it was magic, and after the experience I consider way more cool than before.

3 hours later that I took the pill, I could realize that that effect was coming down, but I was still able to enjoy it.
I could realize that that effect was coming down, but I was still able to enjoy it.
30 minutes later, my legs and back started to feel tired because of all the dancing and it was the sign to leave the party and go rest. When we got at our house I noticed that I could sleep normally if I wanted, but my friends said that smoking marijuana was good for relaxing more and it also combines well, so I did it too, then I slept easily. The day after I was very tired (it was very nice to stay resting in the bed) but happy with the experience. Therefore, summarizing, my first experience with ecstasy was incredible, with no collateral effects at all, not even increased heart rate.

My second experience with ecstasy was 1 month and a half later than the first one. I had promised myself that I was going to take a 2 months break at least, but the situation was really good to use it, so I did it. This time, it wasn’t in a nightclub, but in a large event that plays diverse kinds of music, like Brazilian funk, Brazilian Sertanejo and also deep music at the end. I felt different from the first one, maybe because of the composition of the tablet or maybe because of the vibe of the event. I was feeling a strong necessity for talking with my friends, to open up my feelings and be sincere with things I couldn’t say sober (after I realized that I was indeed saying things that are true and I couldn’t say sober but some “little lies” were being said too, because of the emotional boost). It was very pleasant, the bond we made and the profundity of the talks. I saw one of my best friends kissing a girl that I liked and I was very comfortable with it, with no bad feelings at all and even a good feeling about the couple. Then I started kissing a girl in the party, my mouth was very dry at the start but it got better during the kiss and drinking beer. The sensation of the kiss was very good, not beyond incredible like I expected it but still nice.

The party had finished but I still had a a lot of energy and desire to talk with girls. The party continued in the streets and I spent some time talking with a girl I met and her friends. My friends wanted to leave and I had to go with them, even with not wanting to go home to sleep. I met another girl at the way home and started talking with her for an hour I guess, and we kissed at the end, I think I had more desire to talk than to kiss, I wasn’t even hard. It was 6 hours post the time I took the pill and I was still feeling the energy boost and easily talking to anyone, much more eloquent.

Then the collateral effects started, I couldn’t sleep and was feeling strange, with difficulty breathing and accelerated heart rate. Very different from the first time and I stayed preoccupied a little bit. I could only sleep at 11 pm (I took the pill at 3 am, and the common time to sleep was 7 am, after the party is over) and woke up at 8 am, not much sleeping considering that I was awake for all that time. The hangover and strange feeling finished at 11 am I guess. The day after I was a little bit depressed because of regrets in a couple things I did and the thought of my best friend and the girl I like was not so nice anymore. But nothing serious, just a little down.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110656
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jul 24, 2017Views: 1,240
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MDMA (3) : Rave / Dance Event (18), General (1)

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