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Latuda and Other Drugs
Aripiprazole, Lurasidone & Various
by Mj
Citation:   Mj. "Latuda and Other Drugs: An Experience with Aripiprazole, Lurasidone & Various (exp110707)". Mar 30, 2018.

80 mg oral Pharms - Lurasidone (daily)
Latuda and Other Drugs

When I was 16, I had a psychotic episode lasting over 6 days. I was hearing my neighbors talk about me and they could hear everything I did. Later on was hearing voices come from people's thoughts reverberating from the engines of cars and lawn mowers and also at one point was hearing mocking birds talk about me because I thought I was on the news and solved a conspiracy loosely relating to a television show and people were talking about me and the mocking birds repeated what they said. That is just a glimpse of the psychosis I was experiencing at the ripe old age of 16. This could have been due to a little drug use (a little LSD, some ADHD meds and marijuana) and probably also a predisposition to psychosis/schizo-related diseases from my father's side of the family.

At first my new psychiatrist put me on Abilify 10mg. I probably weighed less than 140 pounds at the start of this new med. After about a year I weighed more than 190 pounds due to the weight gain side effects. I complained to my doctor about my weight gain and he put me on 20mg of Latuda.

The first day I took this medication it was a work day. I got what I think is akathisia and felt inner pain during work. I complained to my supervisor but I still had to keep working. After a few days, I got used to it and have been on it for a little less than a year now. I did not experience any psychosis on this medication.
After a few days, I got used to it and have been on it for a little less than a year now. I did not experience any psychosis on this medication.
It's effective as an antipsychotic, but I was still kinda sad that I couldn't trip as well on LSD. I've only tried LSD once on this medication after avoiding it thinking it wouldn't do anything, and it only made me feel sick (tossing and turning in bed waiting for it to end).

Over the first few months of taking this medication, my doctor increased the dose by 20mg 3 times, which would make it 80mg a day, with food, and I'd prefer to take it at night. This medication seems to have the least side effects of any other antipsychotic I know about, I actually lost weight on it. Thing is, it costs a grand a month without insurance at this time. Under the insurance my dad's work covers me with it would have costed 400 a month but the doctor gives me free sample packs and continues to do so because my mom can't afford it.

I can't say I really noticed any effects after taking it for a while. I just don't have psychosis, that's about it. I think it kind of keeps my mood elevated (my mom described it as party-mode). That is probably why I did so many drugs on this medication like mostly weed and meth. With the meth, I think, like with any other antipsychotic, it increases cravings and decreases the high I get from it. I liked meth too much and quickly became addicted to it on this medication. I also smoked weed almost every day, but right now I've been sober and have been taking only my meds for around 3 weeks now.

This med has a very small side-effect profile and I experienced literally none except maybe a little mania throughout and on the first few days I had some akathisia.

Read the 2018 update to this report.

Exp Year: 2016-2017ExpID: 110707
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Mar 30, 2018Views: 3,460
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Pharms - Aripiprazole (422), Pharms - Lurasidone (839) : Various (28), Medical Use (47), Combinations (3)

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