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Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
Citation:   Rileybot. "Orientation-Flip-Land: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp110743)". Erowid.org. Jan 28, 2021. erowid.org/exp/110743

50 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I exhaled a breath of dense smoke after holding it in for as long as I could. After gasping a few times for air, I put my lips to my homemade bong, and drew in the rest of that oddly delicious tasting 0.05g of 20x Salvia Divinorum extract.

The room started to wobble. I noticed I was still somewhat in control, and decided to put the bong and lighter down and lay my head on my pillow. I started to feel as if I had smoked a lot of good ol' marijuana. I thought to myself, this isn't so bad. After hearing horror stories of Salvia trips, I was worried of hallucinating a giant demon, grabbing hold of my childhood traumas and shoving them in my face, demanding I relive them. However, this wasn't so bad yet, I continued to think. I was perplexed, no visual hallucinations yet. I blinked again. Strange, I thought, I don't remember seeing this archway before.

I suddenly exclaimed a loud 'Wow!' as I remembered where I was. I said, out loud without a mouth, 'Is this real? Is this actually how it is?'. I felt strangely comfortable here. I looked around, no, stared open-mouthed and blabbering fluently in incoherent syllables, at this new, completely familiar room, I was suddenly aware that what I previously had thought was the direction up, was now forward. The wall that had been behind my head as I had laid down, was now the ceiling. The ceiling was now the opposing wall. When I became aware of my newfound sense of down, there was no floor. It looked like I was staring into a Riley exhibit at the Human-Zoo. I was very aware that I was standing above the body, I wasn't any longer inside the body. I looked around, asking my guides, 'If I jump into his brain, will I be him again?'. They answered, I'm sure, but I have no idea what they said.

All around me, looking into the Riley exhibit, were these things. Not bodied entities, not anything remotely physical, in the traditional sense of the word. Just, consciousnesses. I could feel them, more than I could see them. I wondered, are they a part of Riley as well? Do all of us make up Riley? Or do we each get a turn maybe, being Riley? Or are they just watching him? Observing me being him? I had no idea. It was so amazing, to remember that up is forward, and forward is down, and down is back, and back is up. I exclaimed again, 'Wow! Is this really what the world is? Of course, it is!'.

I was sure that if I jumped back into the brain it would all end. I knew that it would, so I wondered if I even wanted it to end yet. It was all so amazing and strange, frightening, worrisome, truly awesome, and fun, all at the same time. Did I want it to end just yet? No, I would stay and peer a little more in this orientation-flipped-land. I wondered if I could turn around, I was sure that behind the walled cubicle with an archway that I was standing in, watching the others watch Riley, was more. I was told, somehow, I could go further if I wanted. I sort of tried, but I couldn’t turn around for some reason. It was as if they didn't want me to, because I wasn't ready for that yet. After all, I had just remembered what the world was really like. I felt their force-field stay put as I shoved my physically opaque body in defiance, eventually resigning my efforts.

I wondered how long I'd been here. I lifted my head, oh, I can move a body part now, to check the time. It had been around four minutes. It was 'eleven fifty-niney', I sang. I struggled again to lift more than just this neck and head, making grunts as I did. A few blinks later, it had gone eight more minutes. I realized that I had zoomed down-forward into MY body again. I couldn’t move just yet, but I realized I didn't need to. I just laid there, eventually moving some fingers, toes, legs, arms. I thought I might take a drink of the soda bottle I had beside my bed. The world was still very wobbly I concluded, hazed and bedazzled, as I gulped some more. I stood up, decided that I was settled back into the body that was mine, the body that I owned.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110743
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jan 28, 2021Views: 509
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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