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I Guess I Know My Sweet Spot
Kratom (Red Vein Bali)
Citation:   Davidg. "I Guess I Know My Sweet Spot: An Experience with Kratom (Red Vein Bali) (exp110783)". May 2, 2018.

1 tsp oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
Revisiting Kratom

I am pretty experienced with drugs, I've taken Salvia, Mdma, pressed 'ecstasy' pills (not sure what was in that. It did feel pretty good but I will not take that again because I felt kinda tweaky), LSD, Shrooms, cocaine, hydrocodone (only once, didn't like it), weed, ketamine, 4-aco-dmt, and bk-2cb (didnt feel anything from it) that is all I remember at the moment. My favorite category of drugs are psychedelics though.

I tried kratom when I was about 19 but all I felt was a stomachache so I didn't have the urge to try it again until recently. I like to read about different kinds of drugs (I am fascinated by drugs, I am a drug enthusiast I guess) so I always read about all the positive effects that people get from kratom so after reading all those experience reports, I decided to order some red vein bali on the internet. I wanted to feel sedated so that strain seemed like it would do the trick.

Setting: Its an average summer day in California ( more specifically, the bay area), pretty hot outside so I'm just going to be in my house, unless a friend asks me to hang out but thats not likely because mostly all my close friends have moved away out of the city I live in. I live with my parents and sister; they dont really bother me throughout the day, usually in the mornings is when I talk to my mom the most because I help with cleaning around the house. So I'm just in my room.

Once I got it in the mail, I opened it up and scooped out a teaspoon and just poured it onto my tongue and I washed it down with some juice.

T+ 0:00 tasted disgusting. I didn't think it would taste that bad.
T+ 0:20 I'm starting to feel a bit calm at the moment. Not sure if its placebo or not. I feel no nausea so that's good. I feel like this is going to be a pleasant experience. I'm also thinking if I should take more so I can get the a 'full' experience from kratom.
T+ 0:28 I am definitely starting to feel it. I feel so calm and relaxed. I am going to take maybe half a teaspoon of kratom in order to up the dose. I feel kinda excited because it is actually working for me.

The last time I took kratom, it was from a smoke shop. Maybe it wasnt a good brand or company? Or maybe I just took too much last time, I'm not sure but I can for sure say that ordering kratom online is way better and I can actually choose what kind of strain I want, which is nice. At the smoke shop, they dont have a description of what kind of strain the kratom is.

T+ 0:50 the relaxing part of kratom reminds me of xanax. I'm not completely out of it like xanax would make me but I do see a resemblance.
T+ 0:56 started to play some guitar but my arms feel too tired to hold up the guitar for a long period of time so I stopped playing.
T+ 0:58 I feel like I plateaued at the moment. I'm just waiting for that half a teaspoon to hit me now. I wonder if it will increase this feeling that I am feeling.
T+ 1:04 I put on some music to listen to (specifically, some riddim dubstep) I am starting to get an upset stomach though but not too bad.
T+ 1:15 I vomited just a few moments ago. I was feeling an upset stomach and then all of a sudden I felt like I needed to vomit. It happened so fast. That upset stomach really escalated quickly. I do feel better now though. I guess that half a teaspoon of kratom was not a good idea. Oh well, at least I still feel pretty good. I had to vomit in the backyard because my step dad was in the bathroom. (we only have 1 bathroom). My mom was asking me what was wrong with me, I told her I just didnt feel good and I feel better now. She didn't ask me any more questions after that. I feel like she would not approve of me taking a substance like kratom even though its not really intoxicating.

T+ 1:24 I'm starting to feel a headache, hopefully it doesn't get worse just like my stomach did. I had to stop my music because of my headache.
T+ 1:35 I feel very relaxed, more than earlier. I dont feel like moving at all. I can move around but I just prefer not to
T+ 1:41 I think I made a great choice in ordering some kratom. I finally see the positive effects that people have been talking about. Even though I vomited earlier, I'm still having a pleasant experience. I am kinda dozing off while I surf the web. It feels pretty good. The headache has gone away as well.
T+ 1:51 I am listening to music again. This time I am listening to some reggae music. I am just laying on my bed.
T+ 2:15 I feel like the effects are going away very slowly though. I don't feel as sedated as earlier
T+ 2:57 I ate some food. I was kinda worried that my stomach would start to hurt again but it didnt. The effects are almost gone. My body still feels abit sedated but not alot.

Conclusion: I am pretty surprised at how good I felt. I didnt think I would actually feel it that much. I would do this again but maybe with a friend so I can show them how it feels (my friends like to experience different substances as well).

Only bad part about the experience was the vomiting. I shouldnt have taken more, I guess I know my sweet spot. 1 teaspoon for me is all I need. I dont have a scale so I cant weigh it but I think I should be good with the teaspoon method. And sorry about the length of the report, probably not all that interesting.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110783
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 2, 2018Views: 2,502
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