An Amazing Insight Into the World
Citation:   Dabbadest. "An Amazing Insight Into the World: An Experience with 4-ACO-DMT (exp110785)". Mar 26, 2020.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (capsule)
  T+ 1:30 25 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (capsule)
July 14, 2017 I received the long awaited spice, I've been waiting for days with intense anticipation. I couldn't wait until work is over so I can prepare for the trip. I ate very light meals that day and was determined to make this experience count.

Finally I made it home, I took the dogs to spend the night at a friend's house. I love my dogs but I didn't want any distractions. After that I went shopping for incense and colored candles. Shopping is now complete and it was time to prepare my setting. I organized my living room and lit up the incense. The place was vibrant with pleasant scents and colorful visuals.

I waited for my friend Ken to show up since he promised to be a trip sitter. Meanwhile I started weighing and testing the substance. I used bunk police reagent tests to make sure that there's no mix up of the chemicals. The Ehrlich and Mandelin test came back inconclusive. The Ehrlich turned the brownish substance into a blue-purple residue, while the other test formed a very dark green color with traces of orange. I researched a few websites and YouTube for similar results yet couldn't confirm.

I was anxious and felt trusting to try the substance. The comparison chart showed colors similar to DMT & 5-MEO-DMT. I was reckless and decided to try it regardless. (Not smart and don't attempt to do that please) I weighed 20mg and loaded it into a capsule. Ken shows up shortly after and he brought a color changing LED light with him. We arranged the living room and turned on relaxing music.

I took the capsule at 8:30PM. We talked and listened to music while waiting for the spice to kick in. I felt relaxed and happy and I remember yawning a few times.

45 minutes pass by and no notable changes to mention. Ken suggested that I might be one of the people that can't trip, he suggested increasing the dosage. I agreed and decided to wait an additional 45 minutes before taking anymore. 45 more minutes go by and nothing. I weighed 25mg and put it on my tongue and washed it down with La Croix.

Within 30 minutes I felt very relaxed while enjoying all surrounding colors and patterns. I asked Ken to take me for a drive around town. We got ready and left the house. It was about 10:30 on a Friday night. We drove in downtown where it was busy and everyone looked beautiful.

I phased into different scenes and colors while in the car. Street lights and cars headlights were enjoyable to look at. Streaks of rainbows were shining around the rims of the glass covers. Ken drove us around for a little bit more, then we headed to his house so he can grab a bite. I sat on the bench outside, it was late and I didn't want to bother his family. While waiting for him I stared at the tree in front of his house. The leaves were dancing and at some point invited me to join them. I had some fears but I knew it was worth it to let go.

I gave in to the trip and I'm glad I did. I was carried very gently and something was instructing me and giving me directions. I saw odd marshmallow shaped tube, it was orange-red in color with gold diamond inlays. The top part of the tube has a dark opening. The unknown is what I remember it to be, I chose to go there. I continued floating until I stumbled upon a deceiving entity that was trying to invite me into its world. The entity had pretty pink patterns hidden in the structure of what appeared to be a plant. Sophisticated arches that glow and flow like liquid matter. I wanted to go but a voice alerted me to avoid getting any closer. I apologized to the entity and offered to visit at a different time.

I continued the journey into a colorful and relaxed place. It felt homey and I felt a sense of belonging then I came across a massive kingdom. I'm warned before entering that this is not my kingdom and that I need to be respectful. Ken's mother manifests as the rightful owner of this kingdom. She also confirms to me that this isn't my place to settle but I'm welcome to visit.

I asked if I had a kingdom of my own and she pointed me to a half domed valley, which she called a pod. The visions grew to show me my kingdom. It looked like a construction zone. I felt an immediate sense of belonging. It showed me my girlfriend as my partner in building my future. I also saw my future kids, I owed them great teachings and amazing adventures. It was a beautiful pod with hints of personal growth in every corner. I was given instructions on how to better myself and to strive to be a better me everyday. Everything was in harmony, the colors, sounds, structures were all peaceful and joyful to look at.

I felt happy and balanced for once in a very long time. A sense of love and appreciation overwhelmed my emotions. Ken brought me food that his mom prepared for us. The food was the best tasting food I had in my life and I've been around for a good 33 years and had plenty of delicious food throughout my life. The veggies tasted earthy and nutritious. I had an amazing gratitude for Ken and his family. He helped me throughout the trip and his mom was a spiritual figure during the trip.

The trip felt as if I found my purpose in life. My decision to branch off my family was meant to be. I saw goals and achievements in my future, which in return created an urgent desire to be good and give back to my community. This entire trip took place on a single branch of the tree of life. Many beings occupied the different leaves and other branches. Each had a kingdom or was part of one.

The unity is what keeps the growth going, the tree communicated that to me. The people that lost the connection and were unable to give back to the tree slowly rot away with their kingdoms and eventually cause the leaf they settle on to fall off the tree and get recycled into darkness beneath. I wasn't interested in visiting the darkness, I didn't want to see the rotten leaves, just the vibrant ones were attracting my attention.

There was a better understanding of what religion might mean and how it can be used by some people to simplify the complexity of the life on the tree. Nonetheless it had no true significance, to me at least. I felt whole for once. I understood the message and my purpose beyond the trip.
I felt whole for once. I understood the message and my purpose beyond the trip.
I immediately texted my girlfriend and told her that I saw her in my kingdom and that I loved her. She was very happy and I felt a lot closer to her than I was before.

Ken's mom came outside to say hi. I began thanking her profusely, she didn't understand and seemed very confused even though she knew that I tripped on something but she didn't know that it can have such an impact on me. This was my second time meeting her, the first time was very brief and no more than an introduction so you say that we truly didn't know each other at all. Yet I was pouring her with gratitude and appreciation for her guidance. She didn't understand but that was expected.

This profound experience began to fade away around 1 AM. I felt content with my life and myself, but also aware of the enhancements in progress. A learning experience like no other, a feeling of blissfulness and oneness with all. I attempted to describe the trip to Ken, although no words can explain this mystic realm. Ken was happy for me since my previous attempts with psychedelics (mushrooms) were not as satisfying as I wanted them to be, and with all honesty they didn't even come close to this experience.

Ken and I started to head back to my house. I asked Ken to stay for a little so I can smoke weed to fall asleep. We talked for a few minutes then Ken headed back to his home. I thanked him for his help and the great support he provided me. I went inside to watch tv and fall asleep.

I started watching Chewing Gum on Netflix, then I received a text from Ken sharing a song with me. The song was Lucid Truth by Blackmill. I tripped again. Geometric and non-geometric shapes started manifesting and carried me through infinite loops of colors and places. I cried from the beauty and peace that I felt. A divine love for all beings fell upon me while my brain slowly turned off for the night.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110785
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Mar 26, 2020Views: 936
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : Glowing Experiences (4), Entities / Beings (37), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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