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Struggling to Breathe
Citation:   BringMePeterPan. "Struggling to Breathe: An Experience with DPT (exp110805)". Aug 1, 2017.

120 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
I had come upon this substance during my research into psychedelics, after nothing but positive and insightful experiences from LSD, mushrooms, DMT and AL-LAD. I was eager to try a substance that is legal to posses in Canada (though not for human consumption). 3 days later it arrived at my house and besides being with my two dogs and sitting my sisters pup, I was alone and ready to go on an adventure.

That was mistake 1, always have a sitter. The second mistake I made was ignoring the reports of insufflation and how painful/sickening it can be, and how that can set the mood off in the wrong place from the get go.

The DPT came in a tall thin plastic baggy inside another sealed silver bag to protect from light and moisture. It had the consistency of flower, fluffy and off white in texture and appearance.

8:00pm – I put out 120mg into two lines and take one in each nostril, burns extremely bad and almost immediately swelling in the nostrils occurs.

8:10pm – I can feel the first waves coming on, prior to this I tried a very small amount to get a slight feeling and everything feels like its going normal. Nasal burning has subsided but there is a tightness in my chest.

8:20pm- Although the burning has almost completely disappeared it has given way to a coldness inside the nose, drips taste horrible and are not agreeing with my stomach. I put on an animated movie and hope the positive vibes of it will put me into a good place, but the things happening are too overwhelming. My chest feels like its tightening more and more, harder to breathe. Anxiety is getting to me.

8:30pm- I feel like I can’t breathe, the drips have made my throat swell and getting air into my lungs is laborious.
I feel like I can’t breathe, the drips have made my throat swell and getting air into my lungs is laborious.
The anxiety is taking over the trip, I have move my dog off me because him focusing on me and wanting attention is overwhelming me. The world around me is very different, there’s a blur to everything and there are holographic shadows in my vision. I move to my basement to have a cigarette, encountering my sisters dog and again am overwhelmed by its focus on me.

When I walk into the room the TV is on, the people on the TV talking are too much and even though I’m not part of the social interaction going on screen it feels too demanding of me and too much of a sensory assault. Their faces warp and static in blue/green/yellow dances around the screen, audio gets unbearably loud then softens, pitch shifts up and down, and things wobble in and out of tune. I’m afraid I’m dying. It’s so hard to breathe, I feel like I’m going to throw up and incredibly hot where I am. Though the fear is bouncing in my head and I try to calm myself down and enjoy the ride, but I can’t get past the feeling of my body and how horrible it seems, like an all too familiar opiate withdrawal. Like all the toxic substances I’ve put in my body all those years are attacking all at once and it’s finally too much for my body to take. Visuals aren’t extreme but still overwhelming.

8:40pm- I get up and walk outside in an effort to change the dark and drab environment in hopes in will set this trip to a better place. Patterns swirl and bolden, then lessen in waves. I see a moth in the clouds, subtle but there. It’s back is a pattern of a furry skull like the cover of the silence of the lambs, it feels like a death omen. Breathing is still incredibly laborious and I wonder how long this is going to last. I’m still keenly aware I’m on a drug, my headspace is remarkably clear, though it does not aid the fear that I’m overdosing as my heart pounds in my chest. The world though colourful, beautifully patterned and glowing, is suffocating in its sensory onslaught.

9:00pm- After drinking water to keep hydrated knowing I’m sweating profusely, my own body heat is making me sick to my stomach alongside the drips. I think of using an oral syringe to squirt water into my nose and get the chemical out in hopes it will stop the drips and anything else from absorbing, but the extreme swelling and mucus build up makes that impossible. Intensity keeps growing and the fear of death seems very well justified. I strip naked in my bathroom and sit inside the tub, the cold metal feels good on my skin, turning the tap on the room temp water feels amazing, like the toxicity I sweat out is being washed off me. I feel a crushing sense of loneliness, I crave human contact, someone, anyone to tell me I’ll be okay. I think about my friends, my family, how bad I wish someone was here to help me through this. The light shimmering in the water produces green/blue light, colours refract. Though I am still very much freaking I feel safe here, the water feels like a cleanse stripping the bad away, leaving me clear though vulnerable and very much afraid. I’m calming.

For the next hour I sit in the bath, staring at the walls, tub, water and my skin accepting that if I’m going to die I might as well enjoy the psychedelic visuals. There I felt protected, like a baby in the womb, the liquid became my cocoon. I feel as if I’ve become renewed, a second birth. I think very deeply and finally feel like I can clearly connect my thoughts about my past opiate addiction. Like I could make connections where none were before and haven’t been since.

Over the next 45 minutes the trip subsides, I dry myself off and walk into my room stunned that between when I went into the bathroom and when I came out it had only been 45 minutes. I thought I was there for an eternity. Relieved for it to be over I dress and go for a cigarette.

Overall this was a definite learning experience. As bad as it got, and as much as I thought I was dying for a time I’m glad I resisted the compulsion to call 911 or my friends or parents freaking out. It was surprising that my head remained clear, thinking I was dying more just a reaction to the closing airways, overheating and dry heaves, and wasn’t the “ego death” kind of I’m dying. I’ve experienced ego death before and each time it happened it was never accompanied by such physical reactions.

Definitely will NEVER snort that much again, if at all. Considering either trying a small hlc to freebase conversion being that I don’t really care if it destroys the rest, or I may give it to a acquaintance who is eager to try it. Of course, not without making what happened to me explicitly clear.

I think it’s worth noting that I have no allergies to any similar substances. DMT never affected me in such a way and from what I’ve read the swelling throat and trouble breathing wasn’t unique to my trip. So be very very careful if you have breathing problems or if you think that sensation would send you to the same place as me. I advise against insufflation but if you do, do not just rail a huge line. Trust me, it’s a very bad way to start such a powerful trip. This gave me a renewed appreciation for these substances and the guidelines our fellow psychonauts recommend for such a trip.

Be safe, be smart.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110805
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Aug 1, 2017Views: 2,426
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DPT (21) : First Times (2), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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