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The Trip That Wouldnt End
Citation:   Hunter_S._Thompson. "The Trip That Wouldnt End: An Experience with LSD (exp110817)". Apr 11, 2018.

2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  3 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I smoked a couple bowls before I headed over to my friend's dorm room at about noon. When I got there, I already knew I was going to drop three tabs of acid. This was extremely stupid given how strong the tabs were and that it was only fourth time on the substance. I remember taking them and my friend taking one.

I knew of the spiritual and mind-changing possibilities if LSD but hadn't truly broken into an ego-death experience I was about to have. The real reason I was taking the acid that day was not one someone should be taking a dose of acid like that for. I was taking it to have fun and 'trip balls' for shits and giggles. I don't remember it kicking it in and don't remember being aware of existing in reality until a little after four PM. During this time, all I can reoccur is seeing photon-light particles of all colors, way more colors than exist not on LSD, fanning out in every direction from what I later figured to be the Big Bang. As I was drifting in and out of even being in the present moment of reality, there was this kid in the dorm-room who was sober and thought it would be keen to mess with me, at least I thought.

I couldn't recollect anything I knew about anything and everything I knew about real life seemed like it was fake and a far-off concept. I would remember things like my name and where I was, that I was a physical object and existed with everyone else and take those thoughts as grand realizations. A pattern started to arise in my statements, 'But when'? All of time, and I mean infinity, every phenomenon that has happened or will ever happen was happening right then. I then connected the Big Bang I had envisioned earlier that day and thought I was experiencing a separate Universe, an entire Big Bang sequence that I would ride to expansion and come back the next day. As the day wore on and we were hanging out with people, they started noticing I wasn't talking much. This is because I was deep in the halls of introspection and participating socially wasn't really on the docket. By around midnight I was still tripping nutsack.

I ordered an Uber home and watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and then 'Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia' until the morning. The issue was that I had dosed almost 24 hours ago. I had work at noon. I was still disoriented and definitely mildly in the trip. Time took forever to go on at work. And paranoia took over. I thought for sure I was permatripping and I was trying to figure out a way to tell my family I needed to be checked into the mental hospital. I held it together on the surface the whole time, but I was extremely confused at work and was seeing things differently, I could smell a distinct smell that I figured was the trip. When I went home, I still couldn't go to sleep. I smoked and that had my thoughts racing even faster. The last I could remember was thinking about how I now had to live with Schizophrenia and how to deal with my psychosis.

After over 30 hours tripping I had finally passed out. I woke up once and was still a bit confused. I wasn't tripping when I woke up again but the paranoid thoughts are very consuming. The second time I woke up it was with the sunrise and I knew the trip had worn away. I turned on Pink Floyd's 'Time' and cried with urgency and gratefulness.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110817
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 11, 2018Views: 1,004
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