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Face to Face With a Parallel Dimension
Citation:   Yohnz. "Face to Face With a Parallel Dimension: An Experience with DMT (exp110821)". May 2, 2018.

5 hits smoked DMT
I am a 30 year old male well-experienced psychonaut who read a lot about shamanism, entheobotany and ayahuasca precisely. Before I had the chance to encounter DiMiTri for my first time, I always thought LSD and Mushrooms to be the most psychedelic drugs I'd love but I had yet to discover the true meaning of 'psychedelia'.

My friend had the chance of living two ayahuasca ceremonies in the peruvian amazon, summer 2016, and I really wanted to exchange thoughts on his experience. I went to his one room appartment in october 2016 to discuss his journey into the wild. After a few hours of chitchat, me being amazed by his encounters with the spirits, he offered me to try vaporized DMT to get a hint of what could be seen in this other realm. Without hesitations, I accepted his offer and he started to setup the setting.

I was sitting on his bed, small table and his kitchen in front of me (one room appartment tends to be rather small). Only a pink salt-rock meditation lamp and a lava lamp as the source of light, him sitting to my side telling to inhale as many hits of vapor as I could handle, until I could hardly move.
I began the process...

I took my first hit with ease, no coughing, vapor was less harsh than expected.
I took my second hit, high pitch buzzing sound started to ring coming out from my head.
I took my third hit and the buzzing sound intensified and kitchen cupboards became perfect squares that would move on their own like some kind of 'punch-the-mole' type of game. At that point I could feel the vibrations from the high pitch sound vibrating through my entire body.
I took my fourth hit and some flashes started to sparkle in front of my eyes as if some light was trying to align my mind to connect with the other dimension's frequency.

I took my fifth hit and had a hard time moving and leaving the vaporizer on the table. The overall lighting in the room turned reddish with all the moving pieces of his kitchen, I gazed at the kitchen cupboard above the oven fan and all of a sudden I felt pushed outside of my mind toward what seemed infinite light. With my eyes open I could see I was in a different room, looking from left to right, I could see being in a definite room in which I was lying on a 45 degree angle surface, barely able to move. I saw a light entity turning around, looking at my direction and seemed surprised.
I saw a light entity turning around, looking at my direction and seemed surprised.
It got close to me and started to look at me in what seemed to be amazement. I had the strong feeling that it was trying to understand how I could've shifted in that dimension at that point in time. I stayed lying there without being able to move until I saw a light in my low-field vision that was trying to reach me. When the light got a hold of me, it brought me back to my friend's room with all the moving cupboards and the reddish light.

All in all, my experience felt like I was out there for an hour but all happened in a brief 15 minutes. Me and my friend talked about my vision for half an hour, until I wanted to try again and see if I could reach the same destination in that other dimension. DMT is a one-of-a-kind truth revealer and is BY FAR the most psychedelic medecine available to us as mankind.
I love it ever since.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 110821
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: May 2, 2018Views: 965
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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