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Most Days I Forget I Even Have Fibromyalgia
Citation:   M.M.W.. "Most Days I Forget I Even Have Fibromyalgia: An Experience with Kratom (exp110832)". Dec 30, 2017.

2 tsp oral Kratom (daily)
I am a 34 year old mom, diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2016. Its onset had started shortly after the birth of my second son in 2015. After a year, I had gone downhill pretty fast and it was starting to ruin my life. I could no longer go on walks or do the shopping. The brain fog was so bad that I couldn't drive or concentrate to write my books. Taking care of my house was a struggle, as was preparing meals, and I was fighting to just take care of my young kids everyday.

Kratom for Chronic Pain

I first heard about kratom on fibromyalgia forums, but didn't think that a simple herb could fix all my problems. And yet everyone kept talking about it. I tried a bunch of alternative things first, hoping to find something else. Then during a week of really bad flaring, finally just ordered some kratom from one of the reputable vendors recommended on a kratom forum. I started on kratom in Feb 2017 and it saved my life and turned me around. I only take 2 tsp total a day total (about 6gms, 1/2 tsp 2x during the day. 1tsp for night.) and each dose lasts me 4-8 hours depending on the kind.

Most days I forget that I even have fibromyalgia, because it tackles almost all of its symptoms.
Most days I forget that I even have fibromyalgia, because it tackles almost all of its symptoms.
For me it helps with: chronic pain, nerve pain, even pain during full flares, brain fog, I'm able to stay alert and concentrate, depression, anger issues, anxiety, low energy, libido, poor sleep.

The only things I have to watch is, specially for my fatigue, I have to stay away from the red and even green vein on fatigue days, as I am too sensitive to its sedating effects. And in days that my allodynia skin pain or overstimulation is acting up, I can't take white vein which exacerbates the overstimulation, and I have to switch to a red vein.

For me it has few side effects and doesn't get me high or anything. I just feel normal again. The only side effects I've ever experienced are headaches from being dehydrated, and constipation, since it's a diuretic. And if I take too much, it either doesn't work at all, makes me tired (red stem), or can make me feel oversensitized (white stem). These things were only a problem until I figured out what my correct dose was and that I needed to drink plenty of water. Side effects usually go away after 4-6 hours. Upon accidentally taking a double dose once, it just made me puke.

I've taken kratom for 4 months. I had to quit kratom cold turkey for a week for an unrelated surgery, and felt no symptoms of withdrawal, except the return of my fibro symptoms of course.

But I usually take kratom as needed, if I don't need the dose, I skip it. I've started having days where I have no pain at all and don't even have to take kratom. This never happened pre-kratom, I always had to have some kind of pain reliever every 6 hours before it. Somedays around my menstruation, it doesn't work at all.

I do not use anything else except kratom for my chronic pain.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110832
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Dec 30, 2017Views: 3,437
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Kratom (203) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Benefits (32), Not Applicable (38)

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