Alcohol, Diazepam (Valium) & DXM
Citation:   moonbeam. "Overboard: An Experience with Alcohol, Diazepam (Valium) & DXM (exp11085)". Erowid.org. Dec 6, 2001. erowid.org/exp/11085

  oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
    oral Pharms - Diazepam
  3 tablets oral DXM
I had an interesting experience with DXM a few weeks ago.

To give a little background; I'v done pretty extensive eperimentation with psychedelics over the past four years. I've tried just about all that's out there drug-wise, but the psychedelics were always my drug of choice... I felt that they gave me insight into the world around me and into myself. Unfortunately I experienced a couple of bad trips on LSD which really shook me and made me very aprehensive about taking my experimentation any further. I have taken LSD, mushrooms, and ecstasy since the incidents, but very less often and in smaller quantities than before. So on to my story...

I've heard a lot about DXM, as a member of the rave community most information I received was negative. Nearly a year ago I purchased some pills which I assumed to be ecstasy, but which turned out, to my dismay, to be DXM. I kept them, all three, I'm not sure why. So a few weeks ago I guess I had a breakdown of sorts.

I'd started the night drinking a few beers with friends. When I came home after the bar closed I decided to take some valium. Unfortunately, because of my drunken state I took several... things become blurry at this point. Somwhere over the course of the evening I found the DXM I had stashed in my drawer and took all of it. I was embarking on quite a binge. The experience after this was quite remarkable. The rest of the night is severely fragmented... at some point I fell asleep. When I awoke early the next morning I was the star player in the most intense and bewildering trip I've ever experienced. If not for the excessive amount of sedative in my body I'm sure I would have completely lost it. I felt as though I were thouroughly drunk, walking was near impossible. The visuals I was experiencing were very fluid; everything seemed to be melting in and out of itself. Also, every now and then it seemed that I was looking at the world in freeze frame! It was as though I was trapped in a surrealist painting (think Salvador Dali) and I was skating around on jello. The most peculiar part of the experience was that I thought it was utterly hysterical! A friend stopped by and was alarmed at my condition. She was so concerned about my well being, but all I could do was laugh at her. My depth perception was so distorted that I couldn't pick up my cigarette after setting it in the ashtray... not for the life of me! My friend thought that I had completely lost it. But, after a good nights sleep I was fine and left with some very interesting memories.

I'm not sure how interesting this will be to all of you... I guess I'll just say DXM is VERY intense and disorienting as well as potentially dangerous. In fact, considering the amounts of drugs I consumed, I am pretty lucky to be okay after my experience. I just urge people to be carefull with this one....

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11085
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 6, 2001Views: 13,553
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DXM (22) : Combinations (3), Various (28)

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