Aggressive Start Useful Plain
Citation: Isis-Ra. "Aggressive Start Useful Plain: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp110917)". Oct 28, 2017.
30 mg | oral | 4-AcO-DMT |
BODY WEIGHT: | 80 kg |
I ate in the middle of the experience because I had taken it with empty stomach and I was starving, and maybe because of this I ended up with some relevant nausea and a headache, perhaps also due to some dehydration. Maybe with 20 mg the substance would show itself less aggressive.
In summary, I find it a useful substance for philosophical inquiries, but definitely is not body gentle or meaningful. From an aesthetical point of view, I found it’s not as elegant or meaningful by far compared to truffles' psilocybin or ayahuasca’s DMT. Again, maybe the high dose was the cause. Finally, I experienced a slight feeling of sorrow after 7 hours of the intake, which I never experience with other substances.
Exp Year: 2017 | ExpID: 110917 |
Gender: Male | |
Age at time of experience: 48 | |
Published: Oct 28, 2017 | Views: 878 |
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : Unknown Context (20), General (1) |
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