Chilling and Dancing
Citation:   druggy. "Chilling and Dancing: An Experience with MDMA (exp110943)". Mar 21, 2020.

500 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
  80 mg oral MDMA  
  100 mg oral MDMA  
This is my first report.

A friend and I decided to make a long weekend after we find out that there were two events in a club in our city. On Friday, there were a Techno rave and on Saturday a Psytrance rave. We decided to stay awake with Modafinil. I slept this weekend about two hours.

In this report, I want to tell about Friday. In the evening, I took my first Modafinil (500 mg) to stay awake. Together with another friend we got to the Techno party. At midnight, I took my first MDMA dose (80 mg). I thought to take first a lower dose, so that I don`t must take later that much more MDMA to get the same effect.

At 12:45 a.m. I mentioned the first effects. We danced about half an hour and decided then to go to another party, also Techno. We walked about half an hour there. They played very monotone Techno with strong flashing light. Therefore, the MDMA kicked very hard and I got to chew all the time. I was very drowsy in my head.

At half past 2 I decided to take the second dose (100 mg) while we walked back to the other club. I mentioned the effect of the second dose half an hour later in the other club. My idea to take first a lower dose worked very well. I only thought of dancing while we were in the club and take only a few breaks. At half past 5 my friends wanted to go home and we walked for half an hour home.

In summary, it was a very nice evening and a good decision of taking the MDMA in two portions. I really mentioned the first dose with a very nice effect not too strong and not too little. Therefore, I felt the second dose also quite strong. It was even stronger than the first dose. I think it`s very nice to increase the MDMA-level step by step over the night and I don`t get the maximum peak at the beginning of the night.

Also, I enjoyed the part of walking from club to club. While walking we were away from music and it was for a short time quiet. Therefore, I could put my mind back together and enjoyed the hours in the club much more.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110943
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 21, 2020Views: 810
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Combinations (3), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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