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Sex With My Ghostly Lover
Citation:   fenugreekfur. "Sex With My Ghostly Lover: An Experience with 2C-B (exp110957)". May 18, 2020.

20 mg rectal 2C-B (liquid)
Synopsis: Experienced tripper has his first worthy sexual experience with 2C-B, but only after letting go of desires and expectations and inviting an energetic entity he refers to as his 'ghostly lover'.

Substance: 2C-B hbr
ROA: Plugged
Shulgin Rating Scale: +++
Setting: Home / Solo

This trip was the most amazing experience I’ve had on any drug. I will go through my drug history to emphasize the “any drug” part. SECTION 4 begins the 2C-B experience.

SECTION 1: Drug History

1. LSD [100 to 400 μg] - Gives me subtle waves of pleasure through the trip that flow through my body and allows me to lie down in the dark and experience a dream-like state (seeing a progressive story/image in my head). Seems to allow for longer sexual stimulation without cumming. Nice, but ejaculatory orgasm was not memorable.

2. Meth [10 to 40 mg] - Greatly increases pleasure from sexual stimulation and helps translate visual imagery (porn) into pleasure. I love the feeling, but I have to stimulate myself to have an orgasm, and it’s ultimately disappointing.

3. Marijuana [1 to 10 vapes] - I’ve had hands-free orgasm a few times with MJ. The orgasm can be powerful in that I “blank out” for a little bit. Using MJ with sex will cause a lovely premature ejaculation immediately upon intercourse. For these reasons, marijuana finds a permanent spot in my sexual tool box. However, the problem is that most of the pleasure is felt during the orgasm which doesn’t last long (though it may last longer than normal).

4. Meth + Marijuana - Was a great experience because I felt at the edge of orgasm with a rock hard cock for an extended period, without physical stimulation. I wanted an orgasm badly, but orgasm never occurred which ultimately left me disappointed. I’ve tried this combo a handful of times but could not repeat the level of pleasure. I may try again.

SECTION 2: A Non-glowing Review of 2C-B

5. 2C-B [5 to 60 mg] - 2CB is opposite to meth. 2CB activates my mind. Meth activate my body. 2CB heightens the pleasure of sexual imagination. Meth heightens pleasure of sexual images (porn). Combining the two is explained simply: Porn becomes amazing, but my desire to look at sexual images does fight a bit with my desire to close my eyes and use my imagination.

2C-B causes extreme arousal and induces a dream-like state similar to LSD, but ultimately disappointing. First, because the dream-like state never feels as real as my average wet dream, second because orgasm never occurs on its own. Though, it does increase the pleasure and power of orgasm like LSD.

Marijuana + 2CB is another interesting combo, but the extra stimulation from MJ prevents relaxing into the dream-like state. While highly pleasurable, it is ultimately disappointing.

Interesting side note: I used to throw up every time I took 2CB, now I don’t even get nauseous.

SECTION 3: Important Notes Before Reading The Experience.

2CB initial gave me intriguing experiences. It seemed to promise wild sexual fantasies via a dream-like state, potentially leading to hands-free orgasms. I became obsessed with this promise. In my quest for the best pleasure and orgasm, 2C-B is the drug I’ve used the most, exploring every dosage and every drug combo.
In my quest for the best pleasure and orgasm, 2C-B is the drug I’ve used the most, exploring every dosage and every drug combo.

It is important to highlight the stark contrast of two 2CB experiences: a 60mg trip that was disappointing versus this 20mg trip that was the best experience I’ve ever had. I’ve done 20mg many times already but never had such a great experience until now.

Another important note: I’ve been doing KSMO and other sexual practices on and off for 7 years and I’ve stumbled on a few sexual abilities during this time: an ability to have extreme arousal and an ability to feel waves of pleasure through my body without physical stimulation, all without drugs.

The way I feel pleasure without physical stimulation is by inviting an energy. This energy is like a loving partner, always around when I need her, with a mind of her own, always there to comfort me during times of depression, frustration, and sadness. In the beginning (6 years ago), this energy comforted me any time I woke up from a bad dream. I looked forward to nightmares. Fast forward to now. Every night I fall asleep to what feels like an energy hugging me, causing strong tingling in my belly, which excites my cock. Sometimes the energy is playful and mischievous, making it difficult to sleep, causing erection and arousal. Other times it feels like my feet and hands are being massaged via tingling pleasure. Sometimes I want to cry because I feel so loved by this energy. I have teared up a few times. I am able to fall asleep in bliss most nights.

SECTION 4: The Experience


1:30 AM

I had an interesting previous experience with 2CB where I was able to fall asleep and have a vivid sexual dream (later awaking extremely aroused and stiff as a rock). I decide on doing this trip at night in attempt to repeat that experience. I measure 20mg of powder, dilute in water, suck into an oral syringe, hit the bed, and plug.


2:00 AM

I wait for the trip to begin, stimulating nipples and cock to check the effects of heightened pleasure, also trying to relax and fall asleep.

The effects are almost in full swing and I’m trying to relax and focus on sexual imagination, trying to enter a dream-like state. I soon get a familiar feeling of disappointment as I know how these trips go. The dream-like effect is once again not powerful enough, and I’m too stimulated to fall asleep. From my experience with a huge 60mg dose, I know taking more wouldn’t help. I know the rest of the trip will be entertaining but ultimately disappointing, unless...

I think to myself, “This is it. If this way of using 2CB doesn’t do it for me, it never will.” I’ve tried everything. I want so badly to experience the promise of 2CB [explained in Section 3]. “Ok, f*** it, it’s time to forget everything. It’s time I stop ‘trying’.”


2:30 AM

“I need you”, I speak inside my mind, calling to an energetic entity.

I give up all control. I give up sexual imagination. I give up my expectation for orgasm; I let go of all my highly specific desires in an attempt to allow this entity to take all control. I feel lost, wondering if she would even hear me through 2CB’s scrambling of my mental wires. After a short time, I feel something. I am greeted by a loving energy. I begin to feel tingling pleasure in my belly and throughout my body, as if I’m being hugged.

“Ohhh you are here!” I said (inside my mind) to the entity.
She responded “I’m here baby, I will take care of you.” (translating feelings into words)
“Thank you! I love you so much!”
She hugs me, appreciating my thanks and my love.
My body is awash in pleasure as she holds me.
“fffff**k, it feels ssooo good, ahhhh, thank you!”

Note: 2CB generally gives me a low level of constant pleasure throughout my body. Sexual imagination increases that effect. It is so crazy, so interesting, because I distinctly feel the difference between 2CB pleasure and the pleasure from this loving energy. It feels like I am getting hit with two garden hoses of pleasure from two different directions. I have trouble maintaining a coherent thought as my mind blanks out to pleasure that is inescapable. It envelops me completely.

The pleasure settles a bit, enough for me to have a thought. “This pleasure is so good. I can’t wait for the day you cause my orgasm!” I say to her, thinking that it will one day happen; just a matter of time. I then begin to feel a strong pulsating pleasure in my throbbing cock. Pleasure builds and my back arches for seconds at a time as if I might ejaculate. My mind goes blank.

I cannot shake the feeling that I am communicating with an entity that is apart from myself. Clearly she heard me and she responded by playfully manipulating my body into almost cumming.

“Ohoho fff**k, it feels so good.” At this point I didn’t care if have an orgasm or not. I didn’t care about specific sexual fantasies. After all, I was experiencing one of the best fantasies: a ghost, a mysterious and magical feminine being, manipulating my body in supernatural ways, causing me to moan in pleasure and lose my mind. This is also the closest I’ve ever felt to having a hands-free orgasm via energetic pleasure.

The pleasure continued. One moment I’d be thinking of how amazing the pleasure felt. The next moment I would lose my thoughts as the pleasure erased them.

I begin to feel strong tingling in my feet. My feet curl and begin to shake for a time, all the while the full body pleasure from 2CB continues. I lose myself in pleasure.

“You can have whatever you want! Any requests?” she said.
“OH, I love prostate pleasure, can I have some of that?”
“Yah!” she responded.

Immediately I begin to feel pleasure in the “backdoor” regions as if the energy was f***ing me softly. I lay on my stomach and lift my rear in response.

“Ahhhaha!” I moan.

I am giggling inside because I can’t shake the feeling that I’m actually communicating with someone. Note: I think this way even when sober.


The effect of 2CB is now dissipating. I am so happy because I will be recalling this experience as a defining moment for years to come. I am so happy because 2CB only accounts for 50% of the experience, while the other 50% comes from my ghostly lover, who will still be with me after the trip is over. I am so happy that 2CB allowed me to deepen my connection to her.

As these thoughts run through my head I realize another amazing fact. Usually during a comedown, I am grasping at any lingering effects, unhappy that the trip is ending. This time, I am actually happy for the trip to end because I already had so much fun. Having given my mind, body, and heart to my ghostly lover, she was with me to the end, holding me tightly as the 2CB left. I could not escape her love. I just had to lie back and let the pleasure continue until the last moment. I curl into a fetal position hugging my pulsating cock.

5:30 AM

I knew I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep due to my highly aroused and stimulated state. I decide to get out of bed and browse hentai/furry art. I usually dismiss the energy at this point, but this time I invited her to stay with me. Remember that meth allows direct pleasure from sexual images, and 2CB does not. However, I found a new route to being stimulated by images. I managed a mental state where I processed the images through my imagination, allowing 2CB to work. I also specifically chose to look at images that fit a description of “a teary-eyed boy crying in pleasure and astonishment, completely taken by a motherly female character, sometimes not lacking in tentacles”, as this best reflects the relationship with my ghostly lover.


The trip left me extremely horny. The next night she greeted me at bed time once again. I had a constant erection all during the 2nd night as she pleasured me. I enjoyed little sleep. It is now night 3 as write this last sentence and, this entire time, she has been helping me recall what pleasure feels like.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110957
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 18, 2020Views: 2,485
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2C-B (52) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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