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Reality as Pages in a Book
Salvia divinorum (15x extract)
Citation:   perplexity. "Reality as Pages in a Book: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (15x extract) (exp110969)". Oct 7, 2017.

4 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
After not having Salvia for at least 5+ years I decided to try it again today. I have tried x35 before and I like to call it a 'kicker'. In other words it 'kicks' my consciousness up at least a few 'levels' and many times totally shatters. As to my state of mind: I've been having major depression issues, anxiety, and struggling with what I think is ADD.

I sat down in my bed and took 3 medium hits and a 4th strong draw from the pipe. Then, putting down my pipe I start to think, oh this isn't that strong. Oops, never mind. I close my eyes and that thought changes instantly. I am was brought back to the 'world' I nearly always forget. It's fairly terrifying, with my consciousness recognizing that I am a spiritual soul in a physical body. My soul starts being 'pulled' from this reality. At first it's like I'm being pulled in a specific direction, which might relate to gravity (not sure on this). Then, reality starts to 'slice'.
At first it's like I'm being pulled in a specific direction, which might relate to gravity (not sure on this). Then, reality starts to 'slice'.
This is the scary part, which nearly always happens.

Basically, I start to 'see' (with eyes closed) everything around me start jittering... Imagine, with me, that reality is a book, with each page being a 2d slice of time. Kind of like a color flip book. Now imagine: my soul is sort of being 'pulled' out from the book in a direction outside of normal gravity as it works in the reality I am living currently. Sometimes there's some kind of 'voice' or being, somewhat feeling like when you feel your mother in a room who you know is caring for you when you're young.

It's kind of like like that, but instead of it being my mother as I know in this reality, it's another being that I think is maybe a new, more powerful mother of all reality... Going back to the slices, I start to see time, at first being a part of those slices of time, which is very strange because I'm having duel consciousnesses almost now, since I'm in my body, but my soul is 'watching' and now outside of my physical body. I start to also imagine that my physical body isn't who I really am. In fact this book or slices of reality are only one of infinite. Depending on the strength of the Salvia, I go further out each time. My physical body is scared, wanting this insanity to stop, wanting me back in 'normal' time that it understands, even if it's an anxiety ridden place. But my soul is calmly pulling away for a moment, trying to be free and join The Infinity.

At this time, my physical mind was stronger then my spiritual mind and I was only able to glimpse that infinity for a moment before my physical mind started pulling me back. During that period, my consciousness usually starts to lose interest in the uncomfortable feeling of physical reality and those feelings of anxiety (tight chest, high blood pressure) go away. But that all comes back (though maybe lessened). Then, opening my eyes for a moment, everything is still there as they are usually. I take one last hit of what is left in the bowl, trying to get back to that other reality. I close my eyes again and feel that outside world, but I can't join it right now, only feel it...

So I start to take notice of what I can, and I start to notice that I can 'feel' gravity, as if I can sense the draw of the world spinning in space by noticing the pull from the very tiny hairs on my body. To better describe the feeling, imagine being in a giant barrel, maybe the width being the size of a skyscraper. Or maybe if you've ever tried those 'gravitron' rides at the circus where you're being pulled against the wall as it's spinning. It feels almost exactly like that now that I think about it.

This all lasted maybe 5-10 minutes top. With the gravity feeling of being pulled around in circles lasting the longest.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110969
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Oct 7, 2017Views: 1,020
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Depression (15), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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