Couldn't Embrace How I Felt Anymore
Morning Glory
Citation:   LSDfuqboi69. "Couldn't Embrace How I Felt Anymore: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp110996)". Jun 11, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (daily)
  15 oral Morning Glory (seeds)
Morning Glory Gone Bad, Hospitalized

8/27/2017 - 3pm - I decided I was gonna try microdosing LSA (about 15 Morning Glory Seeds) at a park, while playing Pokemon Go. I chewed the seeds and drank some orange juice while on an empty stomach.

About 45 minutes in, I could see bright colors, everything looked real. There was mild euphoria and I could feel stimulation.
I thought I was gonna walk a little, I felt so happy and would sing to myself '' Money '' by Pink Floyd.

I went back home, started to panic because my family think all drugs are bad and if they knew I was on something, I was in trouble. Colors would get even brighter, I didn't know where I was. My dog was trying to get some attention but it got me pissed off. I thought it made me paranoid and angry at this point. My pupils were dilated, which caused some major freak out. I was trying to hide it with sunglasses. I couldn't stand the fear and paranoia anymore, I asked my friend if we could meet up.

When we met, all the fear was gone and I felt pretty sober. I told him about the LSA and he didn't judge me. We had fun that night.

8/28/2017 - 10pm - The next morning, I woke up feeling really weird. I noticed LSA might have changed my personality. The visuals were still going and I noticed my DPDR [depersonalization-derealization disorder] was gone. I freaked out again, I liked my old self. I couldn't understand reality, I did not feel like me, but I was not in a DPDR state. I didn't feel spiritual. I was empty. When I tried smoking weed, it felt like I couldn't enjoy weed anymore, the high was shit. I thought that was really unfortunate since I am a stoner. I wouldn't feel anything anymore.

The next few days, I noticed my sex drive was going low, the weed high was going unpleasant. That wasn't me. I kept panicking, I didn't feel normal and my vision was still bright.
I didn't feel normal and my vision was still bright.

After some researches online, I thought it might have been HPPD, and I still don't know if it is, it might be at some degree. I had HPPD before but the LSA made it weak. The only real '' HPPD '' symptom I still have is the color enhancement. I also thought it might have been a long LSA afterglow, it could be. I currently am at 1.9 week. Afterglow only usually last about 24 hours, some people said it could go up to 72 hours top. Others said their LSA, LSD afterglow lasted for 6 days to 2 weeks. I tried going along with it.

My ''afterglow '' wasn't pleasant and at some point, I went back to feeling ''sober'' but couldn't embrace how I felt anymore. I thought it would be permanent, and still don't know about that. I convinced myself I had serotonin syndrome, even if it didn't make much sense. People on told me I should consider consulting a doctor. I couldn't go on anymore.

9/6/2017 - At school - I tried calling a doctor because I couldn't focus on anything but my ''condition''. Some teacher caught me doing that instead of going to class and then I explained what was going on. They got me a lift to see a nurse. That nurse called my parents and called an ambulance. She thought I had a brain tumor, but she doesn't know shit about psychedelics. They rushed me to the hospital and I got a room. I was there for 2 days, I ended up with a prescription for Risperidone.

9/9/2017 - Back home, trying to snap out of it. I noticed I'm going better, or at least I think I am. I found out what I'm experiencing is probably Anhedonia / Apathy. Risperidone is an antipsychotic and will probably make it even worse. I might be going better but I gotta figure things out.

For now, all I can say is: this is my personal experience. I probably stressed so much I'm experiencing Anhedonia / Apathy. Appropriate doses of LSA are really pleasant. Microdoses are not for me. I don't know if I should stop taking risperidone and heal by myself, but I can't stop cold turkey.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110996
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2018Views: 956
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1)

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