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Two Months on Three Months Off
Citation:   Zhangjiajie. "Two Months on Three Months Off: An Experience with Cocaine (exp111053)". May 22, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
My cocaine experiences

I tried cocaine for the first time this year. I'm a 23 year old girl. I smoke weed I have done ecstasy meth LSD shrooms Xanax GHB, etc. To make a LONG story short, my weed dealer had a coke connect and being the experimental drug head I am, I decided to buy $20 worth of coke (which isn't a lot but for me was JUST enough).

I came home took my first bump didn't feel much so I took a second bump and then BAM!! I felt GREAT! To me Cocaine is like MDMA and Meth, of course it doesn't lasts long as MDMA and meth. So I have been snorting coke for 2 months since. I never got full blown addicted to it but YES on each comedown I would crave for more but I never had BAD comedowns.

I have not done cocaine in 3 months for a couple of reasons. One cocaine is NOT cheap. Second my coke dealers are HARD to contact and three I don't want to end up a coke addict let alone end up smoking crack. But honestly if someone offered me some coke I would bump! But I am aware of Cocaines dark side. It's a fun drug but SERIOUSLY be aware it's addicting.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111053
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: May 22, 2018Views: 1,166
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